How do I set up a custom URL domain

Make your Grip event look like it's part of your own website

This article explains the steps and processes involved in redirecting a custom domain that you own to the Grip networking application.  

It will cover:

What is a URL subdomain and why would I want one?

A subdomain is like a branch of your main website or business domain. For example:

    • Main Domain:
    • Subdomain:

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If you create a special subdomain for your Grip events, you can personalize them to blend in with your main website. Instead of your event participants seeing a separate Grip link like, they'll see a link that fits right into your website, like

Custom Domain Format

The current format of the Grip networking platform URL is:<your event system name>

You can choose your domain name instead of "" and follow the steps under the 'How to set up your custom domain' section in the article.

Please note that the <your event system name>, which corresponds to the 'System name' in Event Details > Event Setup on the Grip Dashboard, is fixed and cannot be changed.

How to set up your custom domain

To set up your custom domain, follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose Your Subdomain

Decide on the subdomain name you want to use.

Step 2: Create CNAME Record

Contact your domain host and create a DNS CNAME record with the following details:

  • Value:
  • TTL: 300

Step 3: Verify CNAME Record Configuration

Once you've set up the CNAME record with your domain host, you can use the Google Admin Toolbox to check if the setup in Step 2 was successful.

If the DNS CNAME record is not in place, you won't be able to proceed with setting up the Grip Dashboard. Make sure it's configured correctly before moving forward.

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Step 4: Grip Team Adds Custom Domain on Grip Dashboard

💡 Once you've set up the CNAME Record, you'll require a Grip Team member to add, update, or remove custom URL subdomains on the Grip Dashboard.

  1. Click on "App Settings" > "App Management" > "Custom Domains."
  2. Enter your desired subdomain (e.g.,
  3. Choose the 'Default Event Redirect' option to specify which event should open when using the custom subdomain URL.
  4. Save your changes.
    Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 16.46.49

Note: These changes will take effect every working day from 10 am GMT time, following a human review for safety.

Step 5: Update your Smart Marketing Links to point to your new domain

Once your custom domain is set up and ready to go, you'll want to start directing your event participants to it. Here's how you can update your Smart Marketing Links:

  1. Go to the Grip Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Event Details/Event Setup/Smart Marketing Link section.
  3. Edit the smart marketing link and update the 'Desktop link' field to point to your custom domain.
  4. Save your changes.

For more detailed instructions, check out our Smart Marketing Link article, specifically the steps under 'Custom Domains'.

Step 6: Verify Your Subdomain URL

After setting up your custom subdomain URL, open it in your web browser. You should be automatically redirected to your event page.


    Q: I want to use the same domain for multiple events inside one application. What do I need to do?
    A: Firstly, make sure that these events aren't running at the same time. Concurrent events using the same custom URL subdomain are not supported. This is because push notifications cannot be sent to two different events with the same custom URL on the event mobile app.

    If you wish to use the same domain for events that are running at different times inside one app, repeat step 2 if you want to change your primary event. 

    Q: Can I have multiple custom domains for events within one application?
    A: Yes, but there are some limitations regarding notifications. 

    Q: Can I use a .cn (Chinese) custom domain?
    A: At this time, using a .cn (Chinese) custom domain is not possible due to certification constraints. Other custom domains can still be accessed in China, albeit with degraded performance levels.

    Q: Can I use the same custom subdomain for email and URL?
    A: No, we currently use a third-party provider to manage email subdomains and our own server to set up custom URLs. Using the same domain for web and email would result in emails being sent to our server, which may not be processed correctly.

    Q: Can I provide an SSL certificate instead of a Grip-managed one?
    A: Yes, but it is not recommended due to manual work and potential security issues. If you prefer to do this, please send Grip the SSL private key, certificates, and intermediate certificates for installation on the Grip webservers. The private key must be an RSA key with a size of 2048 bits or lower, in PEM format (Base64 encoded ASCII), and unencrypted. Grip cannot import a private key protected by a password or passphrase.

    Q: Is it possible for me to verify the existence of a DNS CNAME record for the domain with the value "" and a TTL of 300?

    A: Certainly, you can utilize a tool like Google Admin Toolbox to check the CNAME.

    Q: What exactly is meant by a "third-level subdomain," and how does it relate to setting up custom domain names for easier DNS management?

     A: For easier DNS management, we suggest using a third-level subdomain name like "" or "".

    Q: Can the TTL record be set to 1 hour?

    A: We strongly recommend a 300 seconds TTL (5 minutes) as it allows any changes we make to be reflected within 5 minutes for the end user. Opting for a longer TTL, such as an hour, means that any modifications we implement will take up to an hour to take effect for your custom domain. This may result in users being unable to access web networking for up to an hour.

    While we won't accept anything longer than 15 minutes, we are open to proceeding with a 15-minute TTL under the condition that you accept full responsibility for any delays this may cause to users.

    Q: How does Grip handle SSL certificates for custom domains?

    A: Grip will generate an SSL certificate for the custom domain using Let's Encrypt. The certificate will be automatically renewed (within 30 days of expiration) as long as the domain points to the Web networking host ( You can use an SSL Checker to diagnose problems with your SSL certificate.
    Q: Is it possible to set up custom domains (email and URL) with the format ''?
    A: Yes, it is possible to configure custom domains, also known as 4th level domains, in the format ''.