Adding Meeting Preferences from the Grip Admin Dashboard

In this article, we'll explain how as an Administrator you can create Meeting Preferences for the Grip MustMeet Solution from the Grip Dashboard. 

MustMeet Preferences consist of 3 options: Must Meet, Meet and No Thanks. 

Users are able to set their MustMeet preference themselves from <event_name"> > however, sometimes clients might choose not to do so or the organiser, as part of providing a greater service might call or email the attendee about their preferences on their behalf. </event_name">

It is important to note, Meeting Preferences from the Grip Admin Dashboard overwrite any permissions and limitations set on the front-end this means: 

  • Meeting Preferences can be set above the limit. Meaning that if there is a limit of 20 must meets set for example, from the Admin Dashboard you can still continue to add Must Meet preferences even if that exceeds the limit.
  • Meeting Preferences can be set from the Admin Dashboard event if the event is in the Closed Stage. More information on the different MustMeet solution stages can be found here.

If that's all clear please follow the steps below to add Meeting Preferences from the Organised Dashboard.

1. Go the user's profile in the dashboard

Select your app and event and follow the steps to open the profile of the user you wish to add meeting preferences for.

2. Press on "Create Preferences"

In the right sidebar, you'll see a number of options. If your event is in Stage 1a/b or Stage 2a/c you'll be able to "Create Preferences". Please note if you are in the "Live Networking Phase" the button will say "Create Swipe" instead. 

3. Specify the Preferences

You can now select the type of preferences you wish to add (Must Meet, Meet, or No Thanks). You're also able to select multiple users in a single step to make it easy and efficient to add the preferences. 


you can apply this function via the MustMeet section; 

1- Click on the "MustMeet" section

2- Click on "Create Manual preference"

3/4- Select from "Buyer" to a "Supplier"

5- Target group: If your supplier belongs to more than 1 supplier group, you can select the right group

6- Select the appropriate preference and click on "Create Preference"

Well done! You've now created your own meeting preferences on behalf of one of your attendees. If you have any questions or suggestions you can reach out to us on