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Badge Scanning - Lead Generation Tool: Everything You Need to Know

Overview of Badge Scanning

Badge Scanning with Grip is a feature that allows your attendees to scan the Badge/QR Code of another attendee through their mobile scanning app to formulate a connection. Attendees can then review their most recent connection's information, who they have scanned and who has scanned them within their Mobile App. 


Badge Scanning with Grip can also automatically create QR codes for individuals by simply creating a Scan ID and assigning it to an individual in the Grip Dashboard. If you are planning to provide your own Badges/QR Codes, then you may upload the value behind the Badge/QR Code in the Scan ID field in the Grip Dashboard. 


How Badge Scanning Can Be Used at Your Event

Badge scanning is a great way to enhance the quality of your event for visitors and exhibitors. Badge Scanning can be used to provide exhibitors with an easy way to collect leads - which we call a Lead Generation Tool.


When Exhibitors have a Team within the Event, every lead generated from each team member will be displayed on a lead overview page. This allows Exhibitors to see all of the leads generated from their team through Badge Scanning, Connections, Company/Product Page Views, and Meetings. At the end of the event, Teams can then export all of their leads/connections and see how that lead was generated. This report shows:

  • First and Last Name
  • Email 
  • Phone Number (if provided)
  • Job Title
  • Lead Source(s)
  • Address (if provided)

Badge Scanning can also streamline the visitor's experience when making connections at an event. If an attendee meets someone that Grip's AI has not recommended yet and the attendee deems that person as a powerful connection, the attendee can simply use the Mobile App to scan the other attendee's badge. This will easily allow the attendees to make a connection between one another and simply find their profile within the Event App.


Other Ways Badge Scanning Can Be Used at Your Event

Another way that Grip's Badge Scanning feature can be used is for Product profiles. In 2021, we had an Organizer that wanted to use Badge Scanning for visitors to scan a product and get more information on that product once scanned. The way this worked was that the Organizer would:

  1. Create a unique value under the Scan ID field for each product in Grip.
  2. Then the value entered would be used to create a QR Code via a QR Code generator the Organizer found online
  3. The Organizer would then print out the QR Codes as stickers and attach it to each physical product.
  4. Once the product was scanned at the event, attendees would see the Product's profile where more information could be found.
  5. The attendee that scanned the product then becomes a lead for that exhibitor. 

Badge Scanning is not only beneficial for making connections with your prospects, but also great for generating leads based off of prospects scanning physical products.


Highly Successful Events that Used Badge Scanning

We wanted to take some time to highlight a couple of successful events that used Badge Scanning. FOCUS 2021 and Texworld Apparel Home Sourcing 2021 both used Grip's Badge Scanning, but in two different ways.


FOCUS 2021 was an in-person event that used Badge Scanning for attendees to generate connections and exhibitor leads specifically through interaction. FOCUS 2021 had a total of 3304 connections. 1814 of those connections came from Badge Scanning - which is about 54% of their total connections. 


Texworld Apparel Home Sourcing 2021 was a Hybrid event that gave in-person product access to visitors. The in-person portion of their event was a product showcase where attendees could go around the venue and physically see/touch fabrics of all sorts. Attendees could then scan the product's QR Code to get more information about it via the Product's profile. At the end of the event, there had been 33,443 product scans.