1. Grip Knowledge Base
  2. Event Exhibitors and Sponsors

Contacts within Teams

Contact is a Teams function that will allow Team members to view all contacts obtained by all Team members. This function shows information relating to users who have connections and schedules meetings with the team.

To view a Teams Contacts function, please follow these steps:

1. Once logged in, please click on Teams, on the top right of the login page. On the left sidebar and under the "Home" function, click on Contacts (this page has been built using an interactive table, more on how to use this below). This will take you to the following page:


The "Status" function will confirm why this user has become a Teams contact. 


2. By clicking on the user name,  more information relating to this user can be viewed:


For instructions on how to export the contacts in a CSV file, please view the article available. 


3. Being an interactive table, you can filter, sort, and categorise your contacts.


