Cross-Event Networking

Cross-Event Networking allows the participant experience to be seamless and coherent for attendees participating in multiple, separate events.

In this article, we'll cover:

Ultimately, the aim is to ensure that a community can be built over a series of events, which makes networking much easier and builds good relationships over time.

Cross-Event Actions

The networking actions we’re discussing here are classified as Show Interest and Skip. A participant can Show Interest in or Skip another participant by using the buttons on the web platform, or the swipe actions on the mobile application.

These actions become relevant if Attendees participate in future events with some of the same Attendees from previous events. For example Attendee A and Attendee B participate in an event in 2023 on the Grip platform. Then, the event organiser invites them both back to their next event in Grip, and those actions will affect the connection between the participants.

Attendees can have a unique set of actions in any given event. Of course, if those actions result in a Connection to be formed with another Attendee, the Attendees will remain a Connection in any following event that they both participate in.

  • Attendee A can mark Interested on Attendee B in Event 1
  • Attendee A can take a Skip action on Attendee B in Event 2 (if they didn’t Connect in Event 1)
  • If Attendee A marks Interested again on Attendee B in Event 1, this will override the action taken in Event 2

Connections will be displayed on Profile Lists, Profiles Details, and Connections Sidebar


Cross-Event Connections

Connections must be created in the same event rather than cross-events. See example below:

  • Attendee A shows interest in Attendee B in Event 1
  • Attendee B shows interest in Attendee A in Event 2 
    • Result: No connection created

  • Attendee A shows interest in Attendee B in Event 1
  • Attendee B shows mutual interest in Attendee A in Event
    • Result: Connection created

Attendee Recommendations

Attendees can be recommended more than once if they weren't swiped on.

  • Attendee A is recommended to Attendee B in Event 1
  • Attendee B swipes on Attendee A but no other action is taken on either side
  • No connection is created
    • Attendee A can then be recommended again to Attendee B in Event 2



Attendees can always provide a new Preference to any Attendees in any MustMeet event.

Attendees that have marked preferences on Attendees in previous events are expected to mark their preferences in future events, regardless of whether they’re already Connected to those Attendees. This is because MustMeet events rely heavily on this ‘intent’ data in order to schedule meetings that attendees are happy with. It is entirely possible that Connections may want to meet year-on-year, and so these preferences can make that kind of intention clear.



If you have any questions or suggestions you can reach out to us on