Custom Email Domain Configuration

As businesses strive to create a seamless and cohesive brand experience, every touchpoint with customers matters. This includes email communication, which plays a crucial role in engaging with event participants. Using a custom email domain for your events on the Grip platform allows you to maintain brand consistency throughout your event communication. Instead of default email addresses like "," you can send emails from an address like "" (assuming you already hold


In this article, we will explore the benefits of custom email domains and provide a step-by-step guide to help you configure this feature for your event.

To configure your custom email domain on the Grip platform, follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose Your Domain Name

Choose a subdomain name in the format of "". 

For example, you can use "" or "".

In the below example, 'connect' is your chosen subdomain and '' is your existing domain.


Please note that "noreply@" will be added to your chosen subdomain for all emails sent from Grip dashboard.

Step 2: Grip Configuration

Provide the selected domain name to Grip. They will set up the necessary configuration on MailGun and provide you with the TXT, MX, and CNAME records. 

Ensure that you have access to your domain's DNS records. You may need to work with your IT team or domain provider to make the necessary changes.

Step 3: DNS Records Setup

Follow the guide provided by Mailgun to add the DNS records to your hosting provider. You can find the guide here (starting from Step 2).

Note: It may take 24 to 48 hours for the DNS changes to propagate. Grip will notify you via email once your domain is verified and the custom email domain configuration is complete.

Once propagated, it is important that you do not make any configuration changes with your domain provider. Changes to the domain or the TXT, MX, and CNAME records may impact email sending and tracking during your event.

Step 4: Set the email subdomain on the Grip dashboard and test it

With the configuration completed, all that is left is to add the domain to the dashboard and test the event's emails. However, please be aware that changing the email domain in the Grip dashboard will reset all current email statistics. Therefore, it's crucial to perform this step before launching your event. If you need to change the email domain after an event has launched, make sure to export the current statistics as they will be lost after the change.

Note that you can revert to a previous domain once you’ve changed it and retrieve statistics for this event - for example, in the event that you switch to a domain which does not function, and then switch back to the default.

Here's how you can set the email subdomain and test it in the Grip dashboard:

  1. Log in to the Grip Dashboard and navigate to your event.
  2. Go to 'Engage' > ‘Automated Emails’.
  3. Open the tab ‘Settings'.
  4. Enter your email domain into the 'Mailgun Domain field. IMPORTANT - Make sure to input your email subdomain without adding an email address itself. For example, enter “” instead of "".
  5. Ensure that emails are enabled and click 'Save'
  6. The Grip Dashboard will check the Mailgun domain. If successful, the Email page will refresh, and the statistics will be reset back to zero. If you encounter an error, there might be a problem with the Mailgun setup. Go back and double-check the configuration, and inform your Delivery Manager if needed.
  7. Send yourself a test email. When you receive it, you should see the email sender as your email subdomain.