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Custom Profile Field Links

Custom Profile Field Links are a type of Custom Profile Field that has been built specifically for the input of links onto a profile. 


They will appear as a separate block on a profile page and do not have to display the full URL, but will instead have a title and a description. They will make the profile page look considerably cleaner and more professional too, giving event participants the opportunity to give context to the links they have added. We highly recommend reading our Custom Profile Field article here first to get a general overview of Custom Profile Fields. 


In this article we will cover:


How to setup Custom Profile Field Links

Link blocks are a new input type for CPFs, in order to add them simply select ‘Link’ from the input type on the Custom Profile Field creation page. Optionally you can set the minimum and maximum number of answers permitted per CPF.


Adding links to the blocks can be done in several ways: 


1. Onboarding

An event participant can add the links they would like to appear on their profile to a link block through the regular onboarding process. Here they can give it a title, description, and add the destination URL. They can also set these in different languages, but if they want to set it to one language alone, then that will automatically populate the others too.  




2. Integration

A profile can have links added to it through an integration with our APIs as well as being able to do this through onboarding. When links are added through the API, the only element that is needed is the URL, which then becomes the title. If this is added to a Company profile, a team member can add a title and description from the My Team section of the Event platform. If added to a Participant Type Category this will need to be added through either Onboarding or the Edit Profile page. 


3. Edit Profile Page

A participant and company can have links added through the edit profile page that can be accessed through the 'Edit Profile' page for a participant, or the 'My Team' portal for a company. This uses the same UX as when an event participant adds links through onboarding.




How many Link Blocks Can I Add?

You can add as many link blocks as you want. When doing so you need to make sure that each block has a different name, but you could add, for instance, a field for brochures, another for homepages, and another for social media. 


How Do I Add Links Through An Integration?

At the moment the only thing you need to send is the link URL and it will populate the links field. The link will display with no description and the title will be shown as the URL, although this will be truncated to a single line. The title and description can then be added by an event participant through onboarding or on the edit profile page. For a company, the title and descriptions can be added on the edit company profile page from the Teams Dashboard. 


How Does It Work With Multiple Languages?

A link can be added to as many languages are supported within the event. In order for it to be saved it must be added in the default event language first, if no other languages are input, then the title, description, and URL will all default to the event default. You can add or edit each of the title, description, or URL in any language available within the event.