Data Sharing Services

This article outlines the data available within our data sharing services.

Accessing Data in the Grip Data Warehouse
All data collected on Grip is available in raw datasets and pre-created materialized views, making it easier for customers to import, process, and analyze. A short overview can be found here.

What data is available? 
The table below provides an overview of our available datasets, including a brief description and key inclusions. The inclusions are examples and not exhaustive. Full schemas, including field formats, are available upon request.

Data Set  Description Inclusions*
Device engagement The number of ‘logins’ per platform per event with a unique log for every login that occurs.

This includes per login instance:
- Number of logins per platform
- Platform type (e.g., iOS app, iOS web browser, desktop web browser
- Login method (email, badge ID, or password)
- Each unique login captured as a separate log

Individual Engagement A breakdown of the actions per individual user within the event.  

Includes per event participant: 
- Event actions (status, type and CPF data)
- Swipe actions taken and received
- Meetings created and received
- Meeting status (current)

- Meeting feedback created
- Total Connections

- Badge scans made and received

- Session attendance 
- Session feedback

Meetings Detailed dataset on meeting attendees such as status, feedback and attendance with a unique row for every meeting participant.

Includes per event participant: 
- Event information 
- Meeting information (including date, status, location, feedback)
- Meeting participant information (name, feedback, response date)

Badge scans Detailed dataset with a row for each badge scan that is made in an event with details on who made the scan and to whom the scan was made. Includes per scan:
- Date of scan
- Profile data of who made the scan
- Profile data of who the scan was made
Session attendees Detailed dataset with all the session information, with a new row per session attendee

Includes per session attendee: 
- Session details (all core session fields)
- Session attendee data (Name, type, job title and company)
- Session attendee feedback

Session Checkins Detailed dataset with all the session checkins that have been made using Grip. A new row per scanned session attendee. Includes  per scanned session attendee : 
- Session name and ID
- Sponsor name
- Session checkin attendee details
Session checkin must be enabled
Event containers Details of the event such as start/end date, type, class, location etc Includes per container: 
- Event details such as event date, type and location
- Configuration details such as contact sharing settings, session chat enabled, registration queues.
- Event status (draft or live)
Devices, event participants Logins per platform per participant. Includes per platform
- Number of logins per platform per participant
Team member engagement Detailed dataset for each representative in a Company/Exhibitor and their usage Includes per team :
- Team and company details (name, date team created)
- Swipe data
- Meeting data
- Session data
- Team leads data (including views on company page)
Team Scores Scores of all the leads in the event across all exhibitors Includes per lead score
- Name and ID or person who made score
- Name and contact of the contact being scored
- Contact stage
- Contact score
Event participants  Details on the total number of type category: user (aka participant) in the event and the number and percentage that is active.

Includes details for each data type, such as:

- Total number of active participants

- Percentage of active participants


*Including but not limited too. To see full schema per data set, please contact your Grip person of contact.