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Field Explainer Text For Custom Profile Fields

Explainer text for Custom Profile Fields allows you to add contextual information to your Custom Profile Field. This appears in one of two places depending on the type of Custom Profile Field you are creating. 


For a freeform Custom Profile Field, this text appears within the text input box to give direction to the person inputting the information about what information they should be inputting. For example, if they are asking for a job title, the explainer text could be ‘Add your job title here’. 


For a pre-defined Custom Profile Field, this text appears at the top of the selector modal to give direction to the person inputting the information about what information they should be inputting. For example, if you are selecting a job seniority, the explainer text could be ‘Select the seniority of your job’.


These are used to give additional contextual information to somebody who is inputting information during onboarding or whilst they are editing their profile. It allows you to specify the information you want, in order to avoid confusion or to give additional guidance on what is required.


How to set them up

This is a very simple process. When you are creating a Custom Profile Field, simply add your explainer text to the ‘Field Explainer Text’ field. This will then appear either in the text input (for freeform fields) or at the top of the modal (for pre-defined fields). Examples below.



Front end example.



Can I add multiple languages?

Yes, you just need to add the different languages by clicking on the flag beside the field and selecting the flag for the language you would like to add or edit. 


Is there a character limit?

Yes, for freeform fields this is currently set at 85 characters and for pre-defined fields this is set as 173 characters. The reason for these character limits is to prevent issues with text overlapping the end of fields.