Grip signup configuration

For smaller or free-to-attend events, registration systems can not only be prohibitively expensive, but also in some cases the depth of data and insights they provide is simply not required.

We’ve built Grip signup to save you time and cost spent on events that fall outside of your main event program, like webinars or brief speed networking events.


Here is an example of what this could look like for your attendees: Grip1-2

How to enable Grip signup (must be enabled by a Superadmin)


1. Contact your delivery manager in order to enable Grip Registration (through App Configurations and Special actions) Grip1-Nov-08-2023-12-13-46-7992-PM



2. This will enable a new tab in the Event Setup menuGrip1-Nov-08-2023-12-14-14-8418-PM


3. Go to Sign up options and select GRIP_REGISTRATION.Grip1-Nov-08-2023-12-14-44-5189-PM

This will affect the link on the login page of the event, shown below: Grip1-Nov-08-2023-12-15-11-9019-PM


4. You then select the 'Default participant type'; the limitation here is that only one type can be selected. Grip1-Nov-08-2023-12-15-42-3823-PM


5. Note that you must include a privacy policy and a user agreement for Grip Signup to be enabled. Links can be added in the Security and Privacy Tab, within the Event Setup menu. Grip1-Nov-08-2023-12-16-12-6924-PM


How it works:

  1. Users register and create a new account with the following fields (not customisable): 
    - Email 
    - Password
    - First Name
    - Last Name 
    - Headline
  2. Users will then receive an email to verify their account
    Grip1-Nov-08-2023-12-17-07-6656-PMIf someone has already been added to the event they will receive an error message asking them to log in with their existing details.