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Grip Sponsorship Resources

Maximizing Event Sponsorship Success: A Strategic Toolkit for Event Organizers using Grip

Welcome to your comprehensive guide to maximizing event sponsorships with Grip. This collection of resources is designed to help event organizers fully leverage the sponsorship opportunities available through our platform. From suggested pricing and packages to strategic advice from our CEO, this kit ensures you have the tools necessary to enhance your event's success and sponsorship engagement.

Organizer-Focused Slide Deck

Explore our Organizer-Focused Slide Deck which outlines key features and benefits of our sponsorship opportunities. This deck is crafted to give you a clear overview of how to effectively utilize and present these opportunities to potential sponsors.


Sponsorship Pricing Calculator

Use our Sponsorship Pricing Calculator to easily estimate the financial aspects of different sponsorship packages. This tool helps you tailor sponsorship options to meet both your goals and your sponsors' expectations, ensuring optimal pricing strategies.

Click here to explore the calculator.

Example Sponsorship Brochure

View our Example Sponsorship Brochure to see how you can market sponsorship opportunities to prospective sponsors. This brochure serves as a model for how to showcase the value and potential impact of each sponsorship opportunity.

Click here to request a customized Sponsorship Brochure for your organization or use our template to create your own.



Video Walkthrough by CEO, Tim

Watch a detailed video walkthrough by our CEO, Tim, as he explains the key components of the slide deck and shares insider tips on maximizing sponsorship effectiveness. This video provides valuable insights directly from the leadership of Grip.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I customize the sponsorship packages to better fit my event’s theme?

You can customize sponsorship packages by adjusting the elements in the sponsorship pricing calculator and tailoring the content in the sponsorship brochure to align with your event's specific theme and goals. Customized Sponsorship Brochures will be provided to you as individual pages so you are able to appropriately combine or remove the relevant pages. 

What are some strategies to attract more sponsors through the digital platform?

Leverage the Organizer-Focused Slide Deck to highlight unique digital opportunities, such as exclusive banners or interactive features that are only available through our platform. Demonstrating the potential reach and engagement can help attract more sponsors.

How can I measure the ROI for sponsors after the event?

Utilize the event analytics report to provide sponsors with detailed metrics on their engagement and activity. This data can help them measure the return on their investment and can serve as a basis for discussions on future participation. Learn more about Grip Pulse Insights here.