How do we report on support tickets at Grip?

In this article, we’ll explain how to generate and interpret reports on support tickets raised for the Grip platform. Understanding support ticket data helps teams track and resolve common issues, improving user satisfaction and platform efficiency.

Event organiser can request custom reports at either the event or organization level. Below are the details of what's included in the report. To request one, contact your Delivery Manager or Account Manager. 

Time period: <insert time period>

Support tickets for App <app ID> during the period <insert time period> are summarized below. This report provides insight into the status and nature of tickets submitted.

<insert image of the graph>

For more detailed data, please refer to the attached CSV report.

<attach CSV report>

Ticket status breakdown

As of <insert time period>, a total of X support tickets have been received for App <app ID>. Below is the breakdown of these tickets by status:

  • Closed <number of tickets>: These tickets have been successfully resolved either by our team or the user, or they were automatically closed after 48 hours of inactivity.
  • Pending <number of tickets>: These tickets are awaiting further information or actions from the user. If no response is received, the ticket will automatically close, but it can be reopened by the user.
  • On hold <number of tickets>: Tickets placed on hold are paused due to pending actions or investigations.
  • Open/New <number of tickets>: These are newly submitted tickets that are awaiting an initial response from the support team.

Ticket categories

Below is an overview of the number of tickets received in each category, along with a brief description of each:

  • Access <number of tickets>: Requests related to logging in, resetting passwords, or accessing the platform.
  • Profile Setup <number of tickets>: Inquiries about profile setup, user information updates, or adjustments in the 'Edit Profile' section of the Grip Dashboard.
  • Networking / Meetings <number of tickets>: Questions regarding sending, receiving, or managing meeting requests, including scheduling, rescheduling, or canceling.
  • Notifications and Emails <number of tickets>: Queries about receiving notifications or emails, such as event reminders or promotional messages.
  • Insights / Exports <number of tickets>: Requests for insights from the dashboard, reports, or exporting data.
  • Teams <number of tickets>: Guidance on team management settings, excluding data export details.
  • Platform Features <number of tickets>: General questions about using platform features, such as event settings, branding, navigation, and custom fields.
  • Security and Privacy <number of tickets>: Inquiries related to user data security, privacy settings, and data protection protocols.
  • MustMeet <number of tickets>: Questions about MustMeet events, including setup and scheduling.
  • Floorplan <number of tickets>: Guidance related to navigating the ExpoFP floorplan within the event space.
  • Question Unclear <number of tickets>: Instances where further clarification is needed to understand the nature of the request.
  • Event Logistics <number of tickets>: Questions around event planning and coordination that are not directly related to the event platform.
  • Other <number of tickets>: Any requests that don't fit into the above categories.

Accessing and using the report

To access the complete support ticket report, download the CSV file attached to the email. The CSV provides detailed information for each ticket, including creation and closure timestamps, ticket status, issue classification, platform, ticket description (query details), and the assigned category (problem area).