How to configure Monetisation Plans

This article outlines the use of Grip Monetisation Plans, which can be used to up-sell  Companies/Sponsors/Exhibitors based on extra functionality on the Grip Platform. 


In this article we will cover:


Configuring your Monetisation Plans

Up to three plans can be configured for your event. You must make at least one plan a 'default plan' otherwise your data types will have unlimited access to all features.


It is important to note, that Monetisation Plans act as an add-on to existing settings and not an override. For example, should there be an Event Inbound Lead limit of one and one Banner Ad, and a user purchases a monetisation package, which provides an Inbound Lead limit of two but no Banner Ad is included, then the user will get an Inbound Lead Limit two and also a Banner Ad.


1. Create your plans

The first thing you have to do is create your plans which represent who can buy what, at which price. The following variables are available for the creation of a plan: 

  • Name (Something short and easy such as 'Premium' or 'Enterprise')
  • Currency (Choose between USD, EUR and GBP)
  • Available Types (Choose which data types can purchase this plan such as Exhibitor Representatives)
  • Default Plan (If this is your cheapest plan that people should be automatically subscribed to, make sure you toggle this ON) 


2. Pick your plans' features

The features that can be included in the different plans fall into the categories below: 

  1. Hiding Profile Fields  -  Choose which fields won't be visible to other people on the platform. For example, people on the Basic plan not having a Company Image.
  2. Metadata Value Limits - Choose for individual metadata how many values can be selected. For example, limiting Exhibitors on the Basic plan to only two Products Provided.
  3. Enhanced Networking Capabilities - Set a limit on the amount of Leads can be shown on a certain and a multiplier on the Pending Limit. For example, if a Basic Exhibitor can have 10 pending meetings you can increase this with 2 for the premium plan so that each rep can request 20 pending meetings.
  4. Leveraging your Company Profile - Give Exhibitors additional visibility by choosing one of the 4 Promotion options:
    1. Featured Label behind the Company Name.
    2. Boosting the Company Profile to the top of the Exhibitor list.
    3. Inclusion in the footer of emails being sent from the platform (welcome emails, engagement emails, meeting invites).
    4. Sidebar promotion on the web platform.
  5. Maximum number of Items - Set a limit of how many Profiles someone can add to their company. For example, for a Fashion trade show, there might be a limit of 2 Brands and 5 Products on the Basic Plan while on a Premium plan I can create 10 Brands and 50 Products.


3. Review your Plans & Payment

Sign in as a Data Type that has access to the Monetisation Plans and go to Teams > Account > Upgrade. Press on 'Upgrade' when viewing the plan. *Do not make a payment, as this will automatically be invoiced*



4. Upgrade Messages

There are several places where we strategically try and persuade people to upgrade. The most important ones are: 

1. Inbound Leads

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2. Hidden Meetings

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3. Metadata Value Limits

4. Reaching the Pending Meeting Limit 



1. Can I setup features of monetisation plans, without allowing people to upgrade?
Yes, as long as the Company Profiles all have their own data type. You can make sure that there is no upgrading available between different monetisation plans. For example, you could have one user type called 'representative' with two company types called 'Sponsor' and 'Partner'. In this situation, the monetisation plan set up would look like the below: 

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The rule is as follows: Plans are assigned based on the Company, upgrading is available based on the User and their ability to access different plans.


2. Can I add multiple types in the 'Maximum number of items' category?

Yes, this section is not limited to one type called 'Product'. You can add multiple data types in this section, e.g. 'Product', 'Brand', 'Press Materials' etc. By adding them as part of a monetisation plan, all these items will become available to be added, viewed, edit and delete by Team Members in the Teams interface.

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3.Can I prevent all Leads from being viewed within Teams?

No - but you can prevent 2 or more from being viewed, which is effectively the same. If you add a limit of ‘0’ in the Leads section of your Monetization plan, the Leads for Teams on this plan will not be limited at all. You must instead add a limit of ‘1’. This will allow one initial Lead to be processed as normal, but all further Leads for those Teams will be hidden as expected.