How to Configure Your Event Homepage

The Event Homepage is the first screen you will land on after signing into the platform and one of the main screens users use to navigate through the platform and the event. The Event Homepage usually displays the most useful information for your event. For example it may show the speakers, event resources, an individuals agenda and meetings, floor-plans, and sponsors. The event homepage is fully customisable. We will also list which homepage blocks are available on web, mobile, or both below.


In this article we will show you how to easily create customised homepages for your events, allowing you to design and personalise your participant experience, according to what's important to them. 


In this article, we will cover:


Understanding the Event Homepage

Here's a quick GIF overview before we jump into the details:




Step by step guide 

1. Open the 'Homepage' menu on the left hand side of the organiser dashboard, to insert the Homepage blocks. These blocks are individual items that you can customise and build, drag and drop, to create your homepage (also sometimes known as the home feed).

The homepage blocks available to be customised are: 

Simple blocks (navigation items):

  • Meeting. Available on both web and mobile.
  • Event Agenda and pre-filtered Event Agenda. Available on both web and mobile.
  • My Schedule. Available on both web and mobile.
  • Network. Available on both web and mobile.
  • URL. Available on both web and mobile.
  • Profile List. Available on both web and mobile.
  • Floor-plan. Available on both web and mobile.
  • Badge Scan. Only available on mobile.
  • Main stage. Only available on web.
  • Speed Networking. Available on both web and mobile.

Banners (used to enhance your homepage with movement and images):

  • Static banner. Available on both web and mobile.
  • Large carousel banner. Available on both web and mobile.
  • Small carousel banner. Available on both web and mobile.

Quick links: 

  • Icon. Available on both web and mobile.
  • Text and Icon. Available on both web and mobile.
  • Image. Available on both web and mobile.


  • User (e.g. speaker or sponsor). Available on both web and mobile.
  • Item. Available on both web and mobile.
  • Company. Available on both web and mobile.
  • Company and text. Available on both web and mobile.

Video Blocks:

  • Video carousel. Only available on web.
  • Video & text banner. Only available on web.


2. Title the block as it will appear on the homepage, and select the colour for the title to fit with your branding. HOMEP2HOME3

3. Add images where appropriate (either ‘Desktop’, ‘Mobile’, or both, depending on the format of the event.

4. Choose visibility of the blocks based on participant type (e.g. visitor or supplier). The Data Types you have deselected will not be able to see the homepage block.

5. Each block has its own additional options for customisation; follow the instructions on each block to get the best results. 

6. Changes need to be saved on each block separately, so don't forget to save! 

7. Drag and drop the blocks on the homepage to reorder them once they're complete. 


Web and Mobile Homepage examples

Below are examples of a web homepage.HOME4


Video blocks on web are a great way to showcase videos on your homepage.HOME6


Banners are excellent to grab participants attention to something important, showcase event graphics, sponsorship opportunities and images, and much more.HOME7


Carousel blocks are also great to raise awareness of something specific with multiple topics, sponsorship opportunities, event images, reminders, promotions, and much more.  HOME8HOME9


Below are examples of profile blocks on the mobile app homepage:HOME10

Please keep in mind that company + text blocks will just include the company name and not the headline.




Can I change the block background colour, text colour and font?



Can I change the background image that appears on the homepage?

Yes, you can do this by going into the 'Event Branding' page under 'Event Details' in the dashboard. Please view our article on Event Branding. You can only choose a colour for your background on mobile and not an image.


Can I change the block's icon and colour?

Yes, in every block you will see a selection of icons, you can also change the background colour of each icon to fit your event branding for both web and mobile.


Can I link to an external an internal page from the homepage within the app?

You can link to an external page, as long as the URL is already a Navigation Item.


Can I link to an external or internal page using the Quick Links block on the homepage?

Yes, you can link to an external or internal page using Quick Links blocks on both web and mobile. 


Can I add profile blocks on both web and mobile?



Is the shaded rectangle on a quick links block  visible on mobile?

No, this is not visible on mobile.


I am receiving the 'conflict found' error when moving homepage blocks, why is this?

This can happen if two users, or two separate browser sessions are viewing the dashboard homepage at the same time. You will have to close the other sessions where the dashboard is in use in order to make changes to the homepage.HOME11