How to create a pre-filtered Event Agenda

Having a pre-filtered event agenda can be extremely important to your event. Unlike a generic event agenda, you can have multiple pre-filtered event agendas for specific topics, dates, stages, or whatever you want to segment your sessions into within the filter limits. There are four event agenda filters you can use, these are; filter by date, filter by track, filter by stage, and filter by tags. The pre-filtered event agenda is available on both web and mobile.


In this article we will cover:


How to create a pre-filtered event agenda

To create a pre-filtered event agenda you will need to have created your sessions. We have an article named "Event Agenda" which walks you through the session creation process. This will give you the knowledge you will need to create your pre-filtered event agenda and understand what we will be talking about within this article.


1. To create your pre-filtered event agenda head over to the 'Event Details' tab and click 'Navigation'.




2. Click 'Create navigation item.




3. Enter the name of your pre-filtered agenda, and select the 'Item placement', this can be either 'Primary' or 'Secondary'. The navigation bar in the event platform will show all the primary navigation items first and then will have the secondary navigation items below, secondary navigation items will not display an icon. Grip1-Nov-08-2023-11-10-38-7679-AM


4. Enter your 'Item Type', in this case you will select 'Event Agenda'. This will then populate the page with drop down buttons where you can start to filter your agenda. You can filter your event agenda by date, track, stage, or tags. The article here will show you how to create tracks, stages, and add tags to sessions. All you need to do is simply select your filters. Grip1-Nov-08-2023-11-11-08-4394-AM


5. Select your navigation icon. Grip1-Nov-08-2023-11-11-35-1402-AM


6. Select if you would like to restrict the Data Types that can see this pre-filtered event agenda. Also select if you would like this to be available on web, mobile, or both. Finally, click 'Create navigation item' at the bottom right of the page.Grip1-Nov-08-2023-11-12-01-6922-AM


How to add a pre-filtered event agenda to your event homepage

1. To add your pre-filtered event agenda, click 'Homepage' under the 'Event Details' tab within the dashboard.Grip1-Nov-08-2023-11-12-36-2587-AM


2. Click 'Add a new block' at the top right of this page.Grip1-Nov-08-2023-11-13-01-8906-AM


3. Click 'Quick link'.Grip1-Nov-08-2023-11-13-29-9356-AM


4. Select what type of quick link you would like to display your event agenda as on your homepage. This could be an Icon block, Text & Icon block, or an Image block. In this example we will use a Text & Icon block.




5. Add your block title, block title colour, item background colour, item icon colour, item title colour, and item description colour. More information on configuring your homepage is in the article here.




6. Click the pencil icon to edit the item within this block.




7. Select your item title (translatable), and description text (translatable). Select 'Internal page' under 'Where would you like to link to'. Under the 'Internal page' dropdown, select the event agenda list you created in navigation items.




8. Select your item icon and click save.



9. Select who this homepage block will be visible to and what platforms you wish to display this homepage block on, web, mobile, or both. Finally, click save. You have successfully created a pre-filtered event agenda homepage block.


10. The below gif and images below are examples of what a pre-filtered Event Agenda could look like on your homepage on both web and mobile, then linking to the pre-filtered sessions list.






Can a participant edit the filters when they click on a pre-filtered event agenda?

Yes, a participant will be able to edit the filters on a pre-filtered event agenda but as soon as they come off and click back on it, they will see the pre-filtered agenda again. 


Are the Event Agenda names translatable?



Does a pre-filtered Event Agenda have to be linked to a Quick link block?

Yes. In order for you to have a pre-filtered event agenda on the homepage, you must create a Quick link block and link out to the pre-filtered event agenda navigation item.