How to Manage Adding New Users to a MustMeet Event

Adding new users during the initial phase

Adding new users during the Closed phase/Live phase

  • When meetings are generated and no changes have been made in H2H
  • When meetings are generated and changes have been done in H2H 


Adding new users during the initial phase

Initial phase - Update your Profile/Select Preferences

During the time that the platform is open for the users to update their profile or select their preferences, the organizer can add new users either directly in the dashboard or automatically through a registration integration with no issues.


Adding new users during the Closed phase/Live phase

Ideally, new users should not be imported at this stage, as adding any new participants who haven't had a chance to select preferences will lower the overall meeting scores in the event. As we have no 'intent' data to work from, the meeting schedules will naturally become that much more random.
Of course, a single user won't make much of a difference, but adding more will gradually skew the results.


If you have already generated your initial meeting schedule, and you have not made any adjustments to that schedule:

1- Add the new user to the Grip event 

2- Activate the user

3- Set preferences for the user via the Grip dashboard (if known)

4- Re-generate the Meeting Scores

5- Reload the data in H2H 

6- You can either Generate the entire meeting schedule again (recommended), or you can generate just for the empty slots, which will attempt to fill the new user's schedule (and any other participant's gaps) with any leftover meeting space, without removing the existing meetings.


If you have already generated your initial meeting schedule, and you HAVE made manual adjustments to that schedule:

1- Add the new user to the Grip event 

2- Activate the user

3- Set preferences for the user via the Grip dashboard (if known)

4- Re-generate the Meeting Scores

5- Reload the data in H2H 

6- DO NOT "Generate Meetings" unless you are happy to lose the manual changes that you've previously made.
Instead, generate just for the empty slots, which will attempt to fill the new user's schedule (and any other participant's gaps) with any leftover meeting space, without removing the existing meetings. Otherwise, you could also manually assign meetings for the new participant with anyone available.