1. Grip Knowledge Base
  2. Event Exhibitors and Sponsors

Lead Scoring on Web and Mobile

In this article we will explain what Lead Scoring is and how to use it on the Grip web platform and mobile app. Lead scoring uses a star rating system to score inbound leads. You can apply a score of between 1 and 5, update or change the scores assigned by colleagues, and also export them.


Any member of your team in the 'My Team' portal can change the values of the Lead Score, changing this will also leave a note in the Lead Notes section that will state who has changed the score and to what value. 


In this article we will cover:

  • How to assign a lead score to a participant on the web platform
  • How to assign a lead score to a participant on the mobile app


How to assign a lead score to a participant on the web platform

1. Enter the My Team portal by clicking on ‘My team’ at the top right of the page homepage.




2. Click on the 'Inbound Leads' tab, followed by ‘View Lead Notes’ for the lead you wish to assign the score.



3. Click on the stars to submit a lead score. Scores can be changed by any team member. Adding or updating the score sets an automatic note, so other team members can track the scoring history.




4. The score is not a requirement and if a score isn’t applied, the stars will be hidden from the leads profile. Once a score is assigned, however, the stars cannot be re-hidden. Regardless of what the score is changed to subsequently, there will also be a value of at least one. If a score was not assigned, the stars will remain blank on the contacts page.




5. To export the contacts table, head to the export section of teams. An inbound lead will become a contact if action is taken on them. For example, a team member shows interest, or arrange a meeting. Once this happens, the inbound lead will appear in the contacts table, along with any score that’s been assigned. Click 'Export' in the 'Export Contacts' section. You will see the lead score in the export file. You will also see lead scores and the notes/team activity inside the 'Lead Notes' section in the export.




How to assign a lead score to a participant on the mobile app

1. Under the lead details tab on a participant's profile, simply tap on the star to assign a score to the lead. You can amend the score which will also show in the 'Notes' section below the score rating.

