Manage your meetings

In this article, you will learn more about meeting management on the platform. We will cover:


Managing your meeting availability

Event organisers will decide the meeting hours for your event while it is live. 

By using our platform, you can easily set out times at which you will be available or unavailable for meetings. This means you'll only ever receive meeting requests for times which are convenient for you, allowing you to maximise your event experience. 


How do I manage my availability?

1. Head to the 'Profile' section

You will find the availability management functionality on your profile settings page. This can be reached by clicking the 'Profile' button on the top right of the page. 

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2. Click 'Edit Availability' to bring up the list of meeting days

Click on 'Edit Availability' to expand your view of the meeting days. In this expanded view you will see a list of all available days, and also the default availability time range for each day. 

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Please note: If you have set an OOO event on your calendar that is set to decline all new invitations, you may inadvertently decline meeting invites from the event you are attending. Review your meeting requests regularly leading up to and during the event to avoid any mishaps.


3. Refine your availability

Depending on your needs, you can...

  • Edit the number of days you're available for, while keeping the default time range using Range of daily availability, or... 
  • Specify different ranges of availability for different days using List of event days.

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Range of daily availability allows you to easily set up a single range of times when you are available for meetings: 

  • For instance, you could simply ensure that you won't receive meeting requests at night if the event spans multiple timezones;

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List of Event Days. Here you can see all the days for which meeting locations have been opened. The list allows you for further customization of daily availability range: 

You can easily make the entire day unavailable by unselecting the checkbox:

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To add time ranges when you're not available within the day, click the 'Edit' icon within the top right of the row. 

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Your selection will be then previewed on the list:

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4. If needed, you can easily reset all the settings by clicking on the red 'Reset Availability' button:

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5. If you're asked to review your availability

You set your availability using our old availability management system. If you already had your availability settings configured in the previous version of the functionality, we might ask you to review your availability in the new format. This will happen if your existing unavailable time ranges don't follow 15 minute intervals in each hour, i.e. :00, :15, :30, :45.

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Your previous availability will remain as initially set, after the functionality format update.

If you see this message, it means that the display of the edit mode on some of the days might be compromised. You might see empty slots like this:

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You can click Done to leave the time ranges intact

Or you can set the new ranges using the dropdowns. The times are listed in 15-minute intervals, so you won't be able to select the exact same range:

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You've travelled to a new time zone...

If you had already set your availability and open the management page in the new timezone, we will ask you to review your availability settings or set them once again.

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The display of the time ranges can differ from what you initially set in another timezone. We recommend reviewing your settings to make sure they reflect the actual times you will be present on the event. 


In the new timezone, your range of daily availability can be displayed as unavailable time ranges across two days to reflect exact time you previously set:

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Responding to meeting requests

When you receive a meeting request from another user, we call these meetings ‘Pending Meetings’ because they’re waiting on you to take some kind of action.


Where to find your meeting requests

You can see your Pending Meetings in the My Schedule page, which is usually available via the left-hand navigation bar, or perhaps on the Homepage, if the event organizer has added a link there too. If you have access to the My Team portal (for company page management) then you can also see pending meetings for you and your team members in the ‘Meetings’ tab.

You can also find them by looking through your notifications, or by visiting the profile of the organizer themselves.


How to respond to meeting requests

You have a few options:

  • Accept
  • Message Organizer
  • Reschedule
  • Decline


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Simple - you accept! The meeting organizer will be notified and you’ll be reminded a little while before the meeting that it’s about to take place.


Message Organizer

This allows you to start a chat with the message organizer, if there’s something you want to discuss. This chat is purely between you and them, and so if there are other meeting participants, they won’t be able to see your messages. Note that chatting will form a mutual ‘connection’ between you and the organizer. 



You can reschedule the meeting if you’d like to have it at a different time. This then means that you will be the organizer and the other participants will turn into respondents.



You can decline the meeting by clicking on Decline. The meeting may still go ahead if there are other participants.

Alternatively, you can click the drop-down to add a note if you want to explain why you’re declining. Again, any message you include with your decline will only be visible to the meeting organizer and no other participants. 

Please note that decline messages can be seen on both web and mobile notifications, although they can only be sent on the web, for now.

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Meeting organizer will receive a push notification to be notified:

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If you have any questions or suggestions you can reach out to us on 



Does the event organizer have access to declined meeting messages?

Organizers won't be able to see the decline meeting message in the dashboard.


Do the decline messages also appear in the connections sidebar?

When you decline a meeting invite, the decline message won't appear in the connections as you're not connecting with that person.


What if I decline a meeting but still want to connect? 

You can still connect with a person by clicking on their profile and showing interest.


Can you decline with a message as a team member?

Yes. You can decline a meeting on behalf of someone else. You may see a prompt that will require you to confirm you want to take this action.