MustMeet classic Table Assignment

In HB Classic by default the locations should be assigned to the supplier type. Every single supplier (user) should be assigned to a single table unless there is a sharer relationship. 


When tables are assigned to a Supplier

On the H2H system, always the type that has locations assigned is considered as a "supplier". 

Supplier group: They provide a service. They have table assigned

group_type: suppliers

Buyers group: They demand a service. They do not have a stable

group_type: buyers




When tables are assigned to a Buyer

Rarely but sometimes organisers assign tables to the buyer type. As we said the H2H system only recognises suppliers as a type that has a table assigned. In order to accomodate this request we need to do a workaround.

1- Import your buyers and assign a table to every buyer. 

2- Create your HB groups 

3- Add to the supplier group

group_type: buyers AND 

Add to the buyer group

group_type: supplier 
