MustMeet Email Examples

Ensure effective communication during the MustMeet process to drive participant engagement.

Leading up to the launch of a MustMeet event, it's pivotal that the communication plan is explicit and transparent. Communicating timelines, expectations, and "why" promotes participant buy-in to the process.

To learn more about sending and creating email campaigns from the Grip Organizer Dashboard, please refer to the Campaign Emails at Grip article.

To learn more about what happens during each MustMeet phase, please refer to the MustMeet Phases article


Below we provide some examples of what information your Campaign Emails should include:

Initial Phase > Stage 1:

1) Stage 1 initial phase


Initial Phase > Stage 2:

When participants can begin making preferences:

2) Stage 2 initial phase

For any remaining participants who have not logged in prior to moving to Closed Phase:
3) Activate account reminder

For participants who have not provided sufficient preferences prior to moving to Closed Phase:

4) Preference swipes reminder


Closed Phase > Meetings are Currently Being Scheduled:

Feel free to provide general event updates and a timeline update, if it has changed from previous communications. 


Closed Phase > Meetings Have Been Scheduled Provisionally:

5) Provisional meeting schedule

Closed Phase > Meetings Have Been Scheduled and Finalized:

6) Finalized meeting schedule

Live Networking Phase:

Feel free to provide general event updates and information, as it relates to networking with the wider audience, if applicable.