MustMeet Homepage Recommendations

Configure the Homepage to encourage engagement from participants during MustMeet events.

Providing the appropriate shortcuts and Homepage design is critical to ensuring event participants understand what is expected of them during the MustMeet event process. To learn more about creating Homepage blocks, please refer to the How to Configure Your Event Homepage article

Below we outline best practices of information and Homepage blocks to include:


Initial Phase > Stage 1:

We recommend including blocks to highlight the following:

  • Direct users to update their profile
  • Inform users of when recommendations will open
  • Additional support resources

Initial Phase > Stage 2:

We recommend including blocks to highlight the following:

  • Direct users to update their profile
  • Inform users they are required to make preference swipes, and the deadline for doing so
  • Recommended For You
  • The relevant Participant and/or Company Native List(s)

Closed Phase > Meetings are Currently Being Scheduled:

We recommend including blocks to highlight the following:

  • Information about the event/venue and what to expect
  • Additional support resources

Closed Phase > Meetings Have Been Scheduled Provisionally:

We recommend including blocks to highlight the following:

  • My Schedule
  • Information about the event and what to expect
  • How to provide meeting feedback
  • Additional support resources

Closed Phase > Meetings Have Been Scheduled and Finalized:

We recommend including blocks to highlight the following:

  • My Schedule
  • Event Agenda
  • Information about the event and what to expect
  • Additional support resources

Live Networking Phase:

We recommend including blocks to highlight the following:

  • My Schedule
  • Event Agenda
  • Recommended For You and related networking blocks
  • Information about the event and what to expect
  • Additional support resources

To learn more about what happens during each MustMeet phase, please refer to the MustMeet Phases article