MustMeet Scoring

MustMeet scoring uses AI-generated recommendations and participant preferences to ensure only highest quality meetings and appointments are scheduled.

In this article, we'll cover:

Overview of MustMeet Scoring 

In a MustMeet event, Grip calculates ‘scores’ between all participants, which is what allows the system to work out which meetings to book. These scores are based mostly on the preferences of the participants (e.g. ‘Meet’, ‘Must Meet’, or ‘No Thanks’), along with the preferences of any Sharers (participants who are sharing a schedule of meetings with a colleague).


These scores are generated in Grip, and are exportable from the ‘Scoring Matrix’ tab in the MustMeet dashboard page, although you will also see them in the MustMeet platform when you’re generating schedules. You can use the tables below for an insight into why certain participants may have higher or lower scores than others.


Please note the following important factors regarding score calculations:

  • Scores rank from 0 (no meeting) up to 98 (meeting will be scheduled if possible).
  • A ‘No Thanks’ preference outweighs all other metrics, and creates a score of 0.
    This means that if Participant A has chosen ‘No Thanks’ against Participant B, no meeting will be booked - even if Participant B and any Sharers have chosen ‘Must Meet’ against Participant A.
  • Similarly, if participants are flagged as having Met Before in a previous event, and no new preferences have been made between them in the current event, a score of 0 will also be generated as it is assumed that they will not want to meet again. The date before which this is calculated can be controlled when generating scores.
  • For instances where not all users for a potential meeting have made a preference against one another, Grip also relies on its AI system to determine more or less compatible matches, modifying the scoring slightly to suit. You can see this in the score ranges in the matrices below.
  • Scores are calculated differently for the two types of MustMeet event; Buyer to Supplier (HB Classic) or Any2Any.
  • Buyer to Supplier (HB Classic) events have a slightly stronger weighted group. This is usually the ‘Buyer’ group but can be controlled by adding the stronger group first in the Scoring Matrix page in the Grip dashboard.
    You can also influence scores much more dramatically by preventing a groups from making any ‘Must Meet’ preferences at all, limiting them to just ‘Meet’ and ‘No Thanks’.
  • For Buyer to Supplier events where participants that are set up as Sharers have made different preferences against the same person, the ‘stronger’ preference is used, but again with ‘No Thanks’ overruling all other choices. Sharers will always receive the same score as each other. For example:
    • Three Sharers - one chooses ‘Must Meet’, 1 chooses ‘Meet’, one makes no preference = we take ‘Must Meet’.
    • Three Sharers, two say must-meet, one says ‘No Thanks’ = we take ‘No Thanks’.
  • There is no way to manually change the scores that have been generated. You can of course manually modify meetings in MustMeet if you want to override the schedule.

Scoring Matrix - Buyer to Supplier

Here we have used the Buyer group as higher-weighted.


Supplier No thanks No response Meet Must Meet
No thanks 0 0 0 0
No response 0 5-28 33-45 65-75
Meet 0 50-60 64 94
Must Meet 0 75-85 95 98

Scoring Matrix - Any2Any

Scores are symmetrical as there is no higher-weighted group.

  No thanks No response Meet Must Meet
No thanks 0 0 0 0
No response 0 2-58 60-70 75-85
Meet 0 60-70 75 90
Must meet 0 75-85 90 96