Integrations with Swoogo

A Native Integration between Swoogo and Grip is available for Registration data.

In this guide we will cover :

If you have already set up a successful connection within the Grip dashboard, and are ready to complete the integration, we recommend reading the primary Native Integration guide

Getting Swoogo Credentials

To connect to Swoogo, you will need to provide the following information, which can be found within your Swoogo account. 

Customer key

Customer secret

Q. Where can I find Customer key and secret?

The Swoogo API doc has the description of getting Customer key and secret. Authenticating → Step 1

Go to My Profile then to API Credentials 




Connect Swoogo 

This section will provide steps on how to connect to Swoogo. This section assumes that you have already configured API access on Swoogo, and have access to the required credentials.

When would I use this?

These steps should be taken as your first step to configuring a Native Integration with Swoogo. 

How do I use this?

Connect to Swoogo. 

1. Click on “Connect” for the Swoogo Integration block. 


2. This should then allow to start building the integration, with the first step to input your Swoogo API credentials. Enter both the Consumer Key and the Consumer Secret (referenced above)


swoogo 3

3. After clicking next, you will land on the "Select Source Event" page. From the drop down, select which event in Swoogo to connect too. You can only select one source event per integration. 

Once you have selected your source event, click next.


4. Select Source data from Swoogo. Click the down arrow next to 'Select data type(s)'. This will present a list of the different Registrant types in your Swoogo Event. 

Multiple registration types can be selected from Swoogo to go to one data type in Grip. If additional data types in Grip are set up, they will need additional integrations.


5. Under the section 'Only retrieve records that were created within the following period' (pointers), select one of the two options:

    1. 'From the last time Grip successfully retrieved records' is the recommended option for integration that will be scheduled to run repeatedly. This will look for any new or updated records.
    2. 'From start time to end time' is the recommended option if you are trying to run an update and want to make sure all records are updated. The recommended start time would be when registration opened and the recommended end time would be today.

6. This has now connected the Swoogo Event to the Grip event, click next and move onto filtering and data mapping. 

Recommended next steps :

Filter Data Feature