Networking Requirements for Video Calls

*As of October 2021, Grip Web Networking is no longer supported on Internet Explorer due to Microsoft announcing that they will be sunsetting the browser come June 2022


Grip uses WhereBy which relies on WebRTC for its Video Calls, a framework that uses peer to peer (p2p) connections and MESH networking. With these types of connections, audio and video data streams are sent directly between two or more user devices. This can be a great way to send data for smaller groups, but it relies on a fast internet connection and minimal latency. As more users join in on the call, more network speed and bandwidth is required.

We don't currently have a way to measure exactly what the required speed of the connection is between each of the callers, but we can recommend some average network speeds that are suggested for WebRTC products like ours! In general: the higher your internet speeds, the better quality of video and audio you will receive.

Meeting Type Required Speeds Notes
One on One Meetings At least 2.0 Mbps outbound and 2.5 Mbps inbound or higher  
Four or more participants At least 3.2 Mbps outbound and 3.2 Mbps inbound are required Due to the way peer to peer connections are designed, the more participants you add to the call the higher bandwidth you will need. 


For latency, you will want to make sure you are experiencing less than 100 ms on your network for the best experience. Up to 400 ms is acceptable, but not ideal for high-quality conversations. You can check your latency by running a Ping test or TraceRoute.

Network Configuration & Security


If you or your company use a firewall, you may experience some connection problems depending on your firewall settings. For a smooth experience, we recommend:

  • Opening port 443 for outgoing traffic for both TCP and UDP. 
  • Additionally, outgoing traffic should preferably be direct and not sent through a proxy.


Right now we don't recommend using Whereby with a VPN. Because our service is peer to peer, not having a consistent IP address can cause problems connecting to rooms, or in some cases a specific guest in the room. Our recommendation is to turn off your VPN when having a Whereby conversation, and then turn it back on after finishing the meeting.

Quick Answers

What should I do if I'm experiencing connectivity problems? 

It's a good idea to try out a few different networks to rule out the possibility of a WiFi issue. Switching to a different router or trying an ethernet connection may resolve the issue, so this is the first recommendation. If you're not able to resolve the issue, be sure to look at our troubleshooting article.

Using Wifi or Ethernet

Poor WiFi connections are the biggest cause of quality and connectivity problems with Whereby. In many cases, the connection may be fast and stable enough at the modem, but a bad router or excessive traffic on the router can cause problems in the call. In an office environment for example, a router may be overloaded due to the number of computers connecting. So if this is the case, we recommend using Ethernet.