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  2. Matchmaking and Networking

Overview of the Meetings pages

The meetings pages sit under the 'Networking' tab in the dashboard. This is where you can create, configure, edit and export Meetings and Meeting Locations within your event.

If you’re looking for the Global Meeting settings, to control Multi-User or Instant meetings, you’ll find these options on the Event Setup page.


In this article we will cover:


The Meetings List page

1. Under the 'Networking' tab, click 'Meeting List'.




2. On the meetings list page you will see all the meetings that have been accepted, declined, or pending. You can sort and filter the data in the table by clicking on the columns and choosing your preferred view.

3. You can also search across all columns by typing into the large Search field. This is a great way to quickly find meetings that all involve a particular user or company. Note that the search will only match against columns that you currently have selected, to avoid matching with data that you can’t see.

4. There are more columns available but not shown by default - to show and hide columns, click on the ‘Columns’ button on the right-hand side.


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5. There is also a Meeting Stats panel on the right-hand side. This is very useful in conjunction with the search and filtering options, and allows you to quickly pinpoint how many meetings of each status are currently being shown.

6. To create a meeting on behalf of a participant, click the 'Create Meeting' button.




Fill out the required fields shown in the image below, and click 'Save'.

Note that you can add a ‘Meeting Personal Message’ to this page, but after creating the meeting you will not be able to see or edit this message. This is to prevent Attendees’ personal messages being visible without their consent.


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Note that if you choose a date and start time that is in the past, you will be warned that the meeting you’re creating has already happened. You can continue to create it if needs be, however the meeting participants will not be notified, to avoid confusion.

7. On the meeting list page you can also create multiple meetings on behalf of a participant. Click the 'Create Multiple Meetings' button.


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To create multiple meetings at once, add the meeting organizer and the recipient(s). Click the 'Add meeting' button to add additional meetings with new recipients, the organizer will stay the same, you will just be adding different recipients to the additional meetings. When you create multiple meetings it will auto-populate the meeting organizer and recipient(s) schedules in the default meeting length (more on this in the Meeting Settings section) that they share. You can then go into the individual meeting and change this to a specific time if needed. Within the event platform the organizer or recipient(s) can also request new meeting times.

8. To delete a meeting, simply select the meeting by clicking the checkbox, then click the 'Delete Meetings' button.


Delete meeting gif


9. You can click on the meeting to bring up its details. Here you can update any of the meeting’s details, change attendees’ statuses, and mark them as having ‘arrived’, even if that meeting has already happened.

Do note that if you modify a meeting that has already started, the recipients of that meeting will not be notified of your changes. This is to avoid confusion where they may see notifications coming in for meetings in the past.

meeting list arrived

You can also see detailed information about the meeting participants, control their individual acceptance, and jump straight to their profile if you expand their Profile Preview.


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10. To see the analytics of meetings that have taken place within your event, click the 'Analytics' tab at the top of the meetings list page.


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On the meeting analytics page you will see all the meetings that have taken place within your event, but this time they are arranged with one attendee per row. This allows you to view detailed attendee-level information per meeting - like attendee's Custom Profile Fields or Meeting Feedback.
You can sort this data by clicking on the 'Columns' button and adding/removing certain columns. You can also filter the data in this table by clicking on the 'Filters' button and selecting your filters



10a. To export meeting analytics, click the 'Export Data' button. You can choose to export all columns available by clicking the 'Export all Columns' button, if you leave this toggled off it will only export the columns displayed in the table view. You can then select the export format, the two options are CSV, and XLSX (Excel).





The Meeting Locations page

The Meeting Locations page is split into two tabs, Locations and Default Location Settings. 

The Locations page shows all the possible meeting locations within your event, allows you to create new locations and update existing ones. The Default location settings allows you to set default values for locations that may be automatically created during your event.


Locations Tab

The page matches the format of the Meeting List, Recommendations and Connections pages, allowing you to remove columns and apply filters from the right-hand side. 

Column width can also be modified to customise the view of the page

How to create a location?

1. To create a location, click on the ‘create location’ button on the right-hand side.

Meeting locations 4


The sidebar contains all the settings needed to configure the location for your event, each of which we’ll now go through.




Location Name

Type in the name for your new location! 


Select from the drop-down what type of location this will be.

Public: This location type is used for networking lounges, meeting points and table areas.

Restricted: This location type is used for booths or meeting tables that you wish to assign to a company or user. 


Choose the maximum number of concurrent meetings that can run at this location. Either select an unlimited capacity, a limited capacity, or a limited capacity with a limited number of tables.

External Location ID

If you’re using ExpoFP in your event, add the ExpoFP url for the location here. 

External meeting URL

If your event is virtual and you selected ‘public’ as the location type, this field will be visible. It allows you to select a different meeting provider, although should only be used if a staff member will be letting attendees into the virtual meeting room. 

Location start & end date

Select the start and end date for your location. The start and end date that has been pre-filled is taken from the meeting settings page.

Meeting duration

The number of minutes meetings at this location will last for

Meeting breaks

Toggle this on to set breaks between each of the meetings at this location

Make the location available, even if meeting attendee has a default location

If the selected location type is ‘public’, this toggle will be visible. Toggling it on allows all users who have been assigned a booth location to still have meetings in the public location you’re creating.  

Start, end time & break duration

Select the start and end time for each meeting slot at the location for that day.  

Add Meeting Slot

Add another meeting slot for the day 

Copy day 1 timetable

Quickly copy your day 1 meeting slots over to each of the other days, to save inputting them again.

MustMeet Meeting slot configuration

If MustMeet has been enabled at app level, this toggle will be visible. Toggling it on allows you to set MustMeet times for your location, should you be running a MustMeet event.


2. To edit a location, simply click on it and the editing sidebar will appear. Please note that if there are active meetings at the location, only the name and External Location ID can be updated, and you can increase capacity. All other fields will be in a disabled state.

3. All meeting locations with no active meetings can be edited one go, by selecting the ‘Edit all meeting locations’ panel.

4. You also have the ability to bulk edit selected locations. Simply select their tickboxes, before clicking the ‘edit selected locations’ button. You’ll notice that locations with active meetings are unable to be selected. Similarly locations can be deleted by selecting their check

5. Similarly, locations can be deleted by selecting their checkboxes and clicking ‘delete locations’

or clicking on the location name and deleting it from its sidebar.

Meetings location 10


Default location settings tab

Meeting locations can be created either manually by you in the Locations tab, or they can be created automatically by Grip. This is usually the case when your event features exhibiting companies that have physical booths or stands, where meetings can take place.

This page allows you to set the default settings that will be used for any Meeting Locations that are created automatically by the system. Please speak to your Grip Delivery Manager or Customer Service Manager for details about how to import Meeting Locations with Companies, or use the special “booth” profile field when uploading Companies via the CSV Uploader. 

Please note the following points regarding automatically-created Meeting Locations:

  • Meeting Locations that are created automatically are always of the ‘Restricted’ type, as they are attached to one or more profiles for private use.
  • Meeting Location names are set as part of the import process.
  • Changes to the Default Location Settings will only affect Meeting Locations created after the point where the settings were saved.

Please refer to the table below for explanation about the individual controls on this page.

Setting Explanation
Capacity Choose ‘No Limit’ to allow any number of meetings to be booked at this location.
If you want to limit the location to a maximum number of meetings that can happen at one time, choose ‘Limited Capacity’ and input the number of meetings that can happen at this location simultaneously.
Meeting duration The number of minutes meetings at this location will last for. You can type any number between 5 and 90.
Location start and end dates Select the start and end date for any newly-created locations. The start and end date that has been pre-filled is taken from the Event Details page.
Start, end time & break duration Select the start and end time for each meeting slot at the location for that day. You can also remove slots if there should be no meetings during that day, but you must have at least one slot configured across your entire schedule.
You can also set a value in minutes for breaks between meeting slots.
For example, you could create 20 minute meetings, with a 10 minute break between each meeting slot.
Add meeting slots Add another meeting slot for the day.
For example, you could configure two separate schedules for meetings, with a long gap in the middle for lunch.
Copy Day 1 timetable Quickly copy your day 1 meeting slot schedule over to each of the other days, to save inputting them again.



The Meeting Feedback page

The Meeting Feedback page is where you can configure the options your attendees have when rating a meeting they have attended. Meeting feedback is a great way to understand the quality of the meetings taking place within your event. You can use the default feedback answers as shown in the image below or you can create custom feedback answers to better fit your event.

How to create custom meeting feedback

1. To create custom meeting feedback click the 'Create Custom Meeting Feedback Collection Rules' button.Screenshot 2022-08-31 at 14.41.57


2. To create custom feedback rules, select the 'Rater Type' from a list of Data Types within your event, then choose the 'Type Being Rated' from the list of Data Types. Click on the 0 under 'Good' 'Didn't Happen', and 'Bad', this is where you can select your answers from either a pre-populated list under 'Add Row', or you can create your own answers by clicking 'Add New Global Reason'. Data Types you have not created custom rules for will be shown the default rules. Once complete, click 'Save'.

Custom meeting rules gif