Push Notifications

Push Notifications are interactive pop-up messages that will display on a participant's mobile device, even if the device is locked. These notifications will also appear while the participant is using other applications on their device and in the notifications center within the event platform, accessible on both web and mobile.

As an event organizer, this feature empowers you to send messages, whether in the form of text or links, to all event participants. These messages can direct participants to their profiles, company profiles, product or item details, or specific sessions. Additionally, these notifications are language-friendly and can be transmitted in multiple languages by clicking the flag icon.


In this article we will cover:

  • What is the difference between a Push Notification and a Silent Notification?
  • What would I use Push Notifications for?
  • How to create a Push Notification
  • How to edit and view a Push Notification

  • Push Notification analytics
  • FAQs


What is the difference between a Push Notification and a Silent Notification?

The distinction between a Push Notification and a Silent Notification lies in their visibility and behaviour:

Push Notification:

  • It will display on a participant's mobile device, even when the device is locked.
  • It will also appear if the participant is using another application on their device.
  • Additionally, it can be found in the participant's notifications center within the event platform on both web and mobile.

Note: Anonymous users will not receive any notifications nor emails, since their IDs are not created as they log into the event without registering.  


push noti

Silent Notification:

  • This notification will exclusively appear in a participant's notifications center within the event platform, available on both web and mobile.
  • It does not generate any external or device-level alerts, such as pop-up messages or sounds.


What would I use Push Notifications for?

Push Notifications serve various purposes and can be used for the following:

  1. Promoting Immediate Action: Push notifications are ideal for encouraging users to take instant actions, such as viewing a profile, attending a session, or completing a task.

  2. Re-engagement: They are effective in re-engaging users who are not currently active within your application. By sending relevant and enticing push notifications, you can bring them back to your platform.

  3. Sponsorship: Push notifications can be used as a sponsorship tool. You can collaborate with sponsors to send targeted messages to specific audience segments, enhancing the visibility of sponsor content.

  4. Audience Segmentation: Intelligent audience segmentation allows you to target specific groups of users with tailored messages. This personalization ensures that users receive content that is relevant to their interests and preferences.

When using push notifications, it's essential to consider these key factors:

  • Target: Define the specific audience you want to reach with your push notification. Audience segmentation allows you to send messages to the right event participants.

  • Content: Craft compelling and relevant content that will capture the user's attention and prompt them to take the desired action.

  • Delivery Type: Choose the appropriate type of push notification delivery, such as text or links, depending on your message's purpose.

  • Timing: Timing is crucial. Send push notifications at the most opportune moments to maximize their impact. Consider the user's time zone and preferences for optimal timing

How to Create a Push Notification

Step 1: Go to the 'Engage' tab on the dashboard, then click on the 'Notifications' dropdown, and select 'Push Notifications'.

Screenshot 2022-08-17 at 14.47.50

Step 2: You will be taken to the Push Notifications page. Here, click on 'Create notification' located at the top right of the page.

Step 3: You will land at the 'Segment audience' page. Here, you can choose your filter key. There are five options available, which are listed in the table below. Click 'Continue to Compose' to move forward with the notification creation process.

Screenshot 2022-08-17 at 14.20.56

Filter Key Filter value What this does
User status in event Active, Inactive. Will send a push notification to either active users (have logged into the platform), or inactive users (have not yet logged in).
Data Type Select the specific Data Types within your event. This will send a push notification to the specific data type e.g. Attendees, Exhibitors, or Speakers etc.
Custom Group Select the specific Custom Group(s) within your event. This will send a push notification to a specific group.
Users Added Session to Schedule Select a session(s) within your event. This will send a push notification to participants that have added the session to their schedule. Please note, this does not include Private Sessions.
User email Search for the user you wish to send the test push notification to. This is for testing your push notifications only. This will send to a user with the specific email.


Step 4: You have now reached the 'Compose notification' page, where you can craft your message (these messages can be translated into different languages). Next, you will need to choose a destination, which is where a participant will be directed when they click the notification. There are four destination options available, as listed in the table below. To continue, click 'Continue to compose' located at the bottom right.

Screenshot 2022-08-17 at 14.35.55

The destination link Destination value
Profile Select a specific profile within your event
Session Select a specific session within your event
Website URL Paste a website URL
No action No destination


Step 5: You will now be directed to the 'Schedule notification' page. Here, you can decide whether you want to send this notification immediately or schedule it for a specific time and date. At the bottom of this page, you'll find the 'Segment size,' indicating the number of users who will receive this notification. Notification audiences are dynamic, meaning participants will be automatically added or removed based on their actions within the dashboard and/or event platform. For instance, if you schedule a push notification to a specific group and add participants to that group before the notification is sent, they will be automatically included in the notification segment list. Once you've made your selections, click 'Save' to proceed.

Screenshot 2022-08-17 at 14.41.10

How to edit and view a Push Notification

To edit a scheduled notification, follow these steps:

  1. Click 'Edit' on the right-hand side under the 'Actions' column. You can also cancel the scheduled notification by clicking 'Cancel' under the 'Actions' column. When you click 'Edit,' you will be guided through the same pages and processes as when you initially created the notification.Screenshot 2022-08-17 at 14.44.01

To view a notification (available after your notification has been sent), use the following steps:

  1. Click 'View' under the 'Actions' column. Once again, you will be directed to the same pages and processes you followed when creating the notification.

Push Notification analytics

Push Notification analytics provide insights into the success and engagement of the Push notifications you send during your event. There are two levels of analytics available in the dashboard: notification event analytics and individual notification analytics.

  1. Notification Event Analytics: These analytics aggregate data from all the notifications sent during your event. They allow event organizers to quickly assess the overall success and engagement of the notifications for the entire event.Untitled (15)

  2. Notification Event Analytics Breakdown:

    2a. Processed: This represents the total number of notifications that Grip attempted to send.

    2b. Delivered: This indicates that a notification has been successfully sent to a device listed in the Google and Apple iOS notification servers. A successful delivery confirms that the servers have received the notification for specific devices. The percentage of delivered notifications compared to the total processed notifications is also displayed.

    2c. Failed: This represents the total number of notifications that failed. Note that this does not affect notifications that were undelivered due to users not enabling push notifications on their devices.

    2d. Clicked: This figure shows how many of the successfully delivered notifications were clicked by users.

    2e. Click-Through Rate: The click-through rate is the percentage of successfully delivered notifications that were clicked by users. It is calculated by dividing the number of clicked notifications by the total number of delivered notifications for the entire event.

    3. Per notification analytics. The per notification analytics are analytics that are against each notification so that you can determine the success of each notification that you send.

  3. Per Notification Analytics: 

    Per notification analytics provide detailed insights into the success of each individual notification that you send.

  4. Breakdown of Per Notification Analytics:

    4a. Processed: This represents the total number of notifications that Grip attempted to send for a specific notification.

    4b. Delivered: A notification is considered delivered if it has been successfully sent to a device listed in the Google and Apple iOS notification servers. The delivered percentage is displayed, showing the proportion of delivered notifications compared to the total processed.

    4c. Unsubscribed: This figure indicates the number of users or devices that did not have push notifications enabled at the time the notification was processed.

    4d. Failed: This represents the total number of notifications for a specific notification that failed to be delivered.

    4e. Clicked: Of the total number of notifications that were successfully delivered to end devices, this shows how many users clicked on the notification for each notification.

    4f. Click-Through Rate: The click-through rate is the percentage of clicked notifications in relation to users who have successfully received a push message and clicked on the notification. It does not include clicks from users selecting the notification in the notification center on both mobile and web.




Are Push Notifications multi-language?

Yes. Just click the flag that appears next to a text box and provide the required translation.


Can I disable the default 'Complete your Profile' web notification?

Yes, you can disable this notification. To do so, please consult with your delivery manager about this decision. Simply navigate to 'App Settings' > 'App Configuration & Special Actions' > 'Notifications' and switch off the toggle 'Send complete your profile'.


How do I know if I have been migrated?

You will be informed by your customer success manager that you have been migrated.


Can I add an Emoji to a notification?

No, we currently do not support Emoji's in Push Notifications.