Session CSV uploader

The session CSV uploader provides you with a more efficient and accurate way to upload session data into Grip. It provides easy to use templates, which can be filled out and uploaded back into the platform.

In this article, we will cover:

  • How to download the session CSV template
  • How to upload your completed session CSV template

How to download the session CSV template

 1. To start using the CSV session uploader, go to "Event Program" on the dashboard. On the top right you will see a drop-down that says “Create Sessions”, once you have selected that, click on “Upload via CSV template”.eventprogram_csv


 2. You will be redirected to a new page and be asked to select an upload method: "Create new sessions only" or "Create new sessions and update existing sessions". Select the option that suits you.Selectanduploadmethod


3. In this page page, you will notice the dropdown "Selected Template Fields" which is a list of all the session data and settings fields included in the CSV template. It will provide a description of what each field is and what is required. Click to expand this table.Selected templates fieldSeleted template fields 2


4. You have the option to download a blank template or a pre-filled template containing existing sessions data. Simply use the toggle on the left side of the download button to make your selection, then click "Download template".

How to upload your completed session CSV template

1. Once you have downloaded your template and edited as you need, select “Continue to upload”. This will take you to the next step.upload


2. Now that you are ready to add session data to the template, we have provided you with five data sources where you can access unique IDs to add sponsors and speakers to your session, and link existing stages and tracks.


Information you will see on this page is the following:

  • Available session types - when adding the session format type to the csv template field make sure that you provide the correct value for the desired session type: 'normal' for a standard session, 'speed_net' for a speed networking session, or 'webinar' for a webinar session.
  • Available stages
  • Available tracks
  • Available users - this is a list of users that you can reference to add as speakers or private attendees to any session using the ID.
  • Available companies - this is a list of all the companies that you have in your event. Use this list to find the company profile id that you want as a session sponsor and use this to populate your session template.
  • Available custom fields - this is a list of the session custom fields currently active in this event. Also displayed are the values that each field contains which you can use as a guide when filling in the template.

3. After filling in the CSV file with your session data, click on “select file” to choose the file from your computer.



After you have selected a file you have the option to change the upload method. If you previously selected “Create new sessions only” you will be given the option to change to "Create new sessions and update existing sessions".


4. Select “Upload sessions” to continue. 

upload sessions

5. After you have uploaded your file, you will be taken to the last step; where you can review the outcome of the upload.
If there are sessions that failed to upload you will see a table detailing the issues, so that you can reference it to make corrections and re-upload the file.

review sucess