The Event Agenda page - Grip dashboard

The Event Agenda page is where all of your content sessions are created, edited and stored within your event. From standard Sessions to Webinars, Roundtables, and Speed Networking sessions, the Event Agenda page is where they all live in Grip.

This article is an in-depth look into the Event Agenda page within the Grip Dashboard.

In this article we will cover:


Overview of the Event Agenda page

1. The event agenda page can be found under the "Event details" tab.

The Event Agenda page is fairly simple and very easy to navigate. There are five tabs at the top; Sessions, Stages, Tracks, Roles, Live Chat & Attendees.


Sessions in the Event Agenda can be any of the following formats: 

  • Standard session: a standard conference session as listed in an event program
  • Virtual Webinar: streamed directly from the Grip platform, these are one-way broadcasts by invited speakers
  • Virtual Roundtable: discussions where all attendees can play an active part
  • Speed Networking: a virtual session designed to maximize networking opportunities, where attendees are matched randomly to meet for short time, in consecutive 121 meetings

More about creating sessions later on, but let's create some stages and tracks first... 


1. Stages are where sessions will take place. Stages are very similar to Meeting Locations. These may be real stages/rooms at an in-person event or those that you create for a virtual/hybrid event. The image below shows the 'Stages' page. You can create a stage on this page before you create a session, or you can set them up during the session creation (more on this in the sections below).

2. To create a stage click the 'Create a stage' button at the top right (in the image above). You will then see the page below. 


3. Set the Stage name. This can be set in multiple languages if your event is multi-lingual, simply click the flag and add your translation.

You can also enter your External Location URL to link to a location on your floor plan (this is delivered through an integration with ExpoFP; a paid add-on to your event). 


4. From here, select if your stage is the main stage (you can only have one main stage per event), this will make sessions created at this stage available on the Main Stage tab within your event. Read more about the Main Stage here

From this page you can also set a maximum capacity for your stage; this is useful if you have limited seats in a physical room, and want to limit attendance numbers. 


5. Enable stage chat. Click the toggle here to turn on the stage chat for sessions on this stage. When you turn this feature on, you will see an additional option to enable 'pre-moderated chat'.

Pre-moderated chat allows chat messages to be moderated (approved by someone) before they 'go live' and appear in the chat window. If your session is controversial, or has controversial speakers, you might want to consider pre-moderation of your chat messages. More information can be found here but consult your Grip representative for further advice on setting this up. 


6. Optional configuration - Audience interaction embed URL:
Whilst Grip offers Q&A and polling, some organizers choose to embed an external audience interaction tool, such as Slido or into their events. By choosing to toggle on the audience interaction embed, you will be able to set up and display those external tools within the side bar of any sessions delivered on this Stage. More info can be found here, if this is something that you are looking to set up. 

7. Choose whether you want to promote this stage to the Homepage (again, you can only promote one Stage in the Homepage per event). This will make sessions created on this Stage appear at the top of a participant's home feed when the session is in progress (if that participant type has a Homepage configured). More information on Homepages can be found here

8. Finally, don't forget to click 'Create Stage' to save the stage you have created.



1. Tracks are essentially session themes or topics. Perhaps you have an Artificial Intelligence 'stream', or sessions you could group under the umbrella of 'Innovation' or 'Sustainability'. Tracks will be available as filters in the Event Agenda, so think about what kind of session themes your individual participant types might be searching for when you set up your Tracks.

You can also restrict visibility of Tracks to certain participant (data) types. This can be used to 'gate' or prevent participants from seeing some content, for example a VIP track. 

The image below shows the 'Tracks' page. Just like Stages, you can create Tracks before you create a session or during the session creation. 


2. To create a Track click the 'Create a Track' button and a side bar will open.


3. Fill out the track name (this is also translatable, for multi-lingual events) and choose the track colour (the colour will show in the Event Agenda section within the Grip platform). See images below. Click the Save button. 

Here is how the Track names and colors will appear in the Event Agenda. The 'Consumer Trends' track is green; the 'Keynotes' track is red. 

Session roles

Every event is unique, even down to how you refer to the people who present in your sessions, so we've given you the ability to customize session roles. Session (or contributor) roles might include sponsors, hosts, moderators, panelists, conference chairs, etc.

Head over to the "Session roles" tab if you want to create, update, or delete existing session roles. Session roles are created at the event level, which means that all roles you create for one session will be shared across the whole event agenda.

Note that a session contributor can only have a single role within a session. However, the same contributor could have a completely different role in another session.

For example, Tim could be a host on one session and a panelist on another. 


Creating a session role

To create a custom role for your event, head over to the “Session Roles” tab on the Event Agenda page.

1. Click on the “Create Role” button, and a new sidebar will appear, where you can create a role name and select role type.

2. Roles are multilingual, and by clicking on the little flag icon, you can change the language to any other supported by the event.

3. Saving the role is as simple as clicking the “Save” button.

Updating a session role

To change the current role name, follow these steps:

  1. Click the cogwheel button on the right side of the table.
  2. The sidebar will open again, and you can change the role name in all supported languages. Please note, that you cannot change role type.


Deleting a session role

  1. Select the role in the table using the checkbox.
  2. Click on the “Delete Role” button, and a new popup will appear to confirm the deletion of the role.
  3. Note that you will also need to remove all existing profiles from the role and assign them to another one if you want to delete the role.
  4. The default “Speaker” role cannot be deleted or edited.

How to create a session

1. Creating a session is very simple. Click 'Create Session'.

You will have two options: to create a session manually or bulk upload via a CSV template.

Please note that for most organizers, adding their entire event program manually would take a really long time; the CSV uploader and integration is far more common and painless! If you want to learn how to upload sessions via CSV template, please see this article.

2. In the following example however, we will create a session manually. 

You will land on the session creation page as shown in the image below.

3. To create a standard session (more on webinars, roundtables and speed networking in the sections below) enter your session name, session names are translatable on both web and mobile and there is no limit to the number of characters. 

4. Session names are multi-language, simply click on the flag and add your translation.


5. Select a start and end date, stage, and track. Note that you cannot create sessions in the past; all start times must be in the future.


5a. Creating a stage within the 'Create Session' page. The process of creating a Stage within this page is the same as the process in the section above, stage names are translatable on both web and mobile.


5b. Creating a track within the 'Create Session' page. The process of creating a track within this page is the same as the process in the section above, tracks are translatable on both web and mobile.


6. In the final step you have two options; 'Save and finish', and 'Save and continue'. 'Save and finish' will save your session; you can go back in at a later date to complete the creation. 'Save and continue' will open up some more options to complete your session creation.

7. You will still be on the 'Session details' page but now there are further fields available, to add more information about your session.

8a. Session tags. These will be discontinued in the near future as they have been replaced by the much more powerful Session custom fields.

8b. Session custom fields. These have an entire tab to themselves, shown at the top of the page. Session custom fields are a flexible way of adding additional data to a Session for viewing or filtering. To configure these, see our main Session custom fields article.

9. Add the session description in the box provided. This is translatable on both web and mobile and there is no limit to the number of characters.

10.  If your session has external URL links to show externally provided content, add them here (see image below). For example, to link to a live stream URL, select 'Live Stream URL' and enter the URL of your live stream.

Note: if the session being created is on the Main Stage, it will inherit the stream URL. Additionally, if the session is created on a Stage where there are Capacity, Chat, and Audience Embed set, the session will automatically inherit those settings. If there is an additional conflicting chat or audience embed configured for the session, it will override the stage.

Also note that Live Stream URLs and Video Recording URLs are translatable, meaning you can have separate links to the same content in different languages. These are shown based on the participants' language settings.

There are six link types you can use:

  • Website URL
    • Creates an external link on the session that will open in a new tab or mobile web browser.
  • Session Content URL
    • Creates a button on the session for externally hosted content (like a PDF). Again this will open in a new tab or mobile web browser.
  • Live Stream URL
    • The main link for your live stream URL, which can be embedded into the session.
  • Video Recording URL
    • A link that becomes available 30 minutes after the session has ended, intended for a recording of the live stream.
  • Polling and Q&A URL
    • Creates a button on the session intended for attendees to open a companion site for polls or Q&A. Again this will open in a new tab or mobile web browser.
  • Audience Interaction URL
    • This allows you to add a link which is then embedded into the sidebar on the right of the session details page, visible for your attendees while they watch a session.

The above link types are all available on both web and mobile, with the exception of the Audience Interaction URL, which is only available for web. For more details about the functionality of any of these links, see this article.

In most cases you only need to specify the URL to be used, along with whether you want to embed the content directly into Grip. In the case of the Audience Interaction URL you will also need to specify a name for the link, which your users will see in the sidebar where that content is loaded.

11. Select whether you want your session to be private or not. If so, select your invitees. Note that sessions cannot be private when hosted on the Main Stage of your event.
Private Sessions are only visible to the participants that you've added as invitees here. Once a participant can see that session, they can choose whether to add it to their schedule, the same as a normal session. Due to this distinction, Private sessions are the only sessions that have an invitee list as well as a list of attendees (those that have added it to their schedule).


12. Set your session attendee limit. If you have this turned off, the session will inherit the limit of the session Stage. This is a global limit, regardless of data type or group.

13. Select if you would like to display a session countdown. For a standard session type this is on by default (this is shown on web only). If you had a sponsor for the session, this would be an excellent opportunity to offer additional branding. 

Click save changes.



14. Head over to the 'Settings' tab for specific session details.

14a. Required attendance for all - Session will be displayed in the 'My schedule' page of all users, although they won't automatically join. It won't be possible to create any other sessions during this time block.

14b. Attendance confirmation required - Show an extra label with 'Mandatory Attendance' and a pop up to 'confirm attendance' when a user chooses 'Add to schedule'.

14c. Session can be recommended - Session can be recommended to users in their schedules.

14d. Time blocking - Users will not be able to join any other sessions during this time (they will still be able to join meetings).

14e. Headline sponsor - Choose a company that will be promoted on the session page, along with receiving any session attendees as inbound Leads.

14f. Open stream - Users will be able to watch the live stream and recording without having to add it to their schedule first. Some analytics that rely on session attendance will of course be lower as attendees don't have to take this step.

14g. Live chat - Select if you wish to enable live chat for this session.

Session contributors

15. Head over to the Contributors & Sponsors tab. On this page click 'Add profile'


15a. A new sidebar will appear where you can either: search for an existing profile within the event and assign them a session role or you can create a new contributor profile if the person you're adding is not already in the event data. 

15b. If you create a new contributor, a new side bar will open up, where you can fill in the person's details. Make sure to scroll down that box so that you can complete all the fields. 

Once you’ve chosen or created a new profile you can assign a role to it

Click “Save”, and the profile will appear in the table with its role assigned.

15c. If you want to edit the role of a session contributor, click on the pencil (edit) icon on the far right of their name. 

16. Note that you can change the order of the contributors by dragging and dropping them in the table. This feature is fully customizable, allowing you to arrange them in any way you prefer for each session.

The order that you set for the profiles and roles will be reflected in both web and mobile apps on:

  • Event Agenda screen
  • Session Details screen


The Attendee List will show all attendees who have added this session to their schedule. From here, you are able to export this list. Note that Private sessions have 'invitees' (people that can see the session in the agenda) which is separate to this attendee list (people who have added this session to their schedule).


You can set limits to the number of participants that can add a session to their personal schedules. You might use this when you have limited seats in a conference room. You can limit attendees by a data type, or a custom group.

16. Click save changes.


Webinars are designed to be one-way broadcasts by invited speakers, with attendees being able to ask questions within the chat or designated q&a tool, but not actively participating in the presentation. Creating a webinar is similar to creating a standard session as shown in the section above.

1. In the 'Event Settings' tab click 'Event Agenda'. At the top right you will see a button named 'Create Session'.


2. Enter your session name and select 'Virtual Webinar' in the 'Format' section.


3. Fill out the session details as you would with a 'Standard session' in the section above. Please note, a webinar cannot be longer than 60 minutes. Click 'Save and continue' to continue or 'Save and finish' to save the session details and continue later.


4. Fill out the 'Session details' page as you would with a 'Standard session' shown in the section above. Please note, in order for a speaker to get the speaker view you must add them as a 'speaker' in the dashboard.


5. Click 'Settings' at the top left and choose your settings requirements. The only button missing from the webinar settings section is 'required attendance for all', everything else is the same and explained in the standard session section above. 

Click 'Save changes'.



Roundtables are discussions where all attendees can play an active part with open peer-to-peer communication and information exchange. Please note - only 25 participants can actively share their audio and video at the same time in a Grip Roundtable (though more can be present and swap in/out of video). Creating a Roundtable is similar to creating a standard session, and webinar as shown in the sections above. Speakers within a roundtable will be moderators, meaning they will be able to remove people from the session and delete chat. Speakers must be added as a 'speaker' within the dashboard to get the speaker and moderator view.


1. Fill out the 'Session details page' as shown in the sections above. in the 'Format' dropdown, select 'Virtual Roundtable'. Click 'Save and finish' or 'Save and continue'.


2. The Roundtable session details page is the same as webinars and standard sessions as shown in the sections above. The only difference is 'Session Countdown' which cannot be disabled.


3. Fill out the 'Settings' page as shown in the sections above. The only toggle missing for a Roundtable is 'Open stream'.

Click 'Save changes'.

Speed networking sessions

1. In the 'Create a session' page, fill out the session details as shown in the sections above. in the 'Format' dropdown select 'Speed Networking'.

Click 'Save and finish' or 'Save and continue'.


2. The Speed Networking session details page is the similar to webinars, roundtables and standard sessions as shown in the sections above. Like roundtables, the 'Session Countdown' cannot be disabled. The one difference is 'Meeting Generation Settings'. Select whether you would like to restrict meetings based on data type (participant type) settings. You can limit which types get to be matched, or no restrictions. 


3. Click 'Settings' at the top left and choose your settings requirements. You have less options here, these are in explained in the sections above.

Click 'Save changes'.


Editing a session

1. In the 'Event Agenda page' you will see all of the sessions you have created. To edit a session, search for your session using the search bar or simply scroll through the table and find the session you want to edit. Click on the cog next to that session session to edit the details.


2. If you would like to make changes in bulk, tick the boxes of the sessions you want to edit, click on the 'Actions' button and then click ‘Edit sessions’.

This will open a side panel with the options to make the following changes to all sessions selected:

  • Override ‘Stage’
  • Override ‘Track’
  • Add ‘Headline sponsor’
  • Enable/Disable ‘Private session’
  • Enable/Disable ‘Session countdown’
  • Enable/Disable ‘Session can be recommended’
  • Enable/Disable ‘Attendance confirmation required'
  • Add ‘Tags’
  • Enable/Disable ‘Time blocking’
  • Add, replace or remove 'Custom field data' (pre-defined fields only)
    • To remove custom field data, choose a field, then leave the value box empty and ensure the 'replace' option is enabled.


Can I have more than one main stage?

No, you can only have one main stage per event.

Can the session countdown be turned off if the session is on a main stage?

No, session countdown is toggled on for all main stage sessions by default and can't be toggled off.

Can I promote multiple stages to the homepage?

No, you can only promote one stage to the homepage per event.

Is there a limit to the number of viewers of a webinar? 


Is there a limit to the number of participants in a Roundtable?

Yes. 100 participants but only 25 people can share audio and video simultaneously. We therefore recommend having 25 participants per roundtable. 

Are Roundtables recorded?


Are Webinars recorded?

Yes. Webinars are recorded but you would need to pay a premium for full features and functionality including transcripts, translations and many more.

Do speakers need separate access?

No. Speakers will access the Webinar or Roundtable like an attendee, but when they load in, they will have a 'speaker view'.

Is there a time limit on Grip Streaming sessions?

Yes. There is a one hour limit to sessions.

What happens if you run over the one hour limit on a Grip Streaming session?

If you run over the one hour limit on a webinar there is a half an hour grace period before cut off.

Who can share their screen during a Grip streaming webinar?

Only speakers are able to share screens.

Can you change your background on the video?


What is the difference between a speaker and attendee view in webinars?

The views are the same, the only difference is that speakers will see a mute, share screen, and video button toggle whereas attendees won't.

Can I set a limit on the number of attendees for a Speed Networking session?

No. Speed Networking is unsurprisingly all about speed, and as such users can join a Speed Networking without needing to add it to their schedule. Therefore, you cannot set an attendee limit on Speed Networking sessions as you can on regular sessions.

How many users can take part in Speed Networking at the same time?

The current version of Speed Networking allows up to 1000 concurrent to be in the waiting room at any one time. This doesn't include users who are part of meetings already.

When there are more than 1000 users waiting for a meeting, a new joiner will see a message displayed in the Speed Networking environment - on which they will be offered the options of trying once again to join the session or to leave the session.

How long are Speed Networking meetings?

Each meeting will last 3 minutes. Please note, while in the meeting you can show interest in your partner, and if you both show interest in each other, you will form a connection. You'll also receive a summary of all your meeting partners at the end of the Speed Networking session, so you'll be able to express interest in them after the session even if you forget!

Is there a limit on the session length?

As with regular sessions, there are no limits on the length of Speed Networking sessions.

What are the rules for meeting generation?

Meetings are randomly generated between all session participants with two exceptions: 

  • Meeting won't be generated between members of the same Team.
  • Meeting won't be generated between two users who've already met within the current Speed Networking session. 

Are Speed Networking sessions time-blocking?

No, Speed Networking sessions are not time-blocking.