Specifications to video on Google Play


You can add a promotional video to your Store Listing by entering a YouTube URL in the 'Promo video' field. A promo video isn’t required, but it's highly recommended as a fun, engaging way to show features of your app to potential users.

Important: To display a promo video on your app’s Store Listing, you also need to add a feature graphic.

  • Use a video's YouTube URL, not a YouTube playlist or channel URL.
  • Don't use an age-restricted video.
  • Turn off monetisation for the video to avoid having ads displayed on or before your video.
  • Use a video’s full YouTube video link instead of a shortened link.
    • Use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yourvideoid
    • Don't use: https://youtu.be/yourvideoid
  • Some sections of Google Play show groups of recommended games using videos. For a game to be eligible to be shown in these sections, use a video that’s filmed in landscape orientation

Where it's displayed

Your promo video is displayed before your screenshots on your app’s Store Listing and promotional areas on Google Play. Users can watch your promo video by selecting the Play button that overlays on your feature graphic.


To publish an app and have it featured anywhere on Google Play, a feature graphic is required. Your feature graphic is a powerful tool to show off your creative assets and attract new users.

Important: To display a feature graphic on your app’s Store Listing, you also need to add a promo video.


  • JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha)
  • Dimensions: 1024 px by 500 px

Where it's displayed

Your feature graphic is displayed before your screenshots on your app’s Store Listing. If you’ve added a promo video, a Play button will overlay on your feature graphic so that users can watch your promo video.


  • Don't include any copy or important visual information near the borders of the asset – specifically near the bottom third of the frame.
  • If adding text, use large font sizes.
  • Your graphic may be displayed alone without the app icon.