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  2. Live Event Resources

Troubleshooting onsite at live events

This article aims to resolve the most common technical queries received by organizers during a live event.

General info for sharing with your participants

User management, log in and onboarding 

  • Reset the participant password on their behalf
    (Data > All > All data types> search for user > click on the profile > near top right > reset password) 
  • Resend login email to the participant (ask them to check their spam folder) 
    (Data > All > All data types> search for user > click on the profile > scroll down the right hand side to Actions > send single email > choose campaign email)
  • Reset onboarding (for previous attendees) 
    (Data > All > All data types> search for user > click on the profile > near top right > reset login details > reset onboarding)
  • Missing a user in the platform
    • Check the integration intervals between your registration provider and Grip (data possibly not yet integrated)
    • Check for an incorrect email address (check name in the data and amend as required) 
    • Group emails 

Mobile App

    • Check to see if they are using a VPN or MDM (if they are limited by corporate management of their device) 
    • Check to see if they are using a Beta version of their device OS 
  • App crash/feature/page unresponsive  
    • Log out and log back in 
    • Update the app version (in the app store) 
    • Uninstall and reinstall the app
    • Check WiFi/signal on the device
  • Not receiving notifications
    • Ask them to check notification settings in their device settings. 


  • Can’t see their meetings 
  • Can’t book meetings 
    • Check the pending meeting limit for a data type and consider adjusting
    • Check the attendee's availability settings (amend availability in their profile) 
    • Check to see if they are already booked at that time (accepted or pending meeting at that time) 
    • Check meeting locations available/ locations at capacity at that time

Grip Teams 

  • General support Organiser support
  • Exhibitors can’t add Team members 
    • Check to see that exhibitor reps are able to view other exhibitor reps in the data type settings
  • Exporting leads/contacts
    • Check that they are in the correct section of Grip Teams 

If you still have a problem, contact our dedicated support team. Be sure to include all relevant information to hasten a solution.