Using Grip iFrame on your Website

Highlight the event program, exhibitors'  list, speakers list, or showcase any other info from the web networking platform on your website - for anyone to see!
Funnel traffic from the website directly to the event. 


In this article, we will cover:


What are the benefits of using the Grip iFrame on your website?

The benefits of using the Grip iFrame are:

  • No more data duplication from your Website to Grip
  • Increase top of funnel traffic to your Grip event platform
  • A holistic user experience for visitors on your website, event platform, and app 

iFrame Limitations: 

  • Filters on users' lists have a limit of 200 values. For example, a filter 'company' on a list of attendees will show 200 values, even if there are more companies in the event.


iFrame examples

Below is a straightforward example of the iFrame in the branded (red) colors of the event.


This is a more exciting one, the client has coded their own CSS into the iframe, customising/removing buttons and using a custom font in the iframe. 


If you would like to use the Grip iFrame on your website, please contact your Grip Delivery Manager for further details and instructions.