Using Grip iFrame on your Website

Highlight the event program, exhibitors'  list, speakers list, or showcase any other info from the web networking platform on your website - for anyone to see!
Funnel traffic from the website directly to the event. 


In this article, we will cover:


What are the benefits of using the Grip iFrame on your website?

The benefits of using the Grip iFrame are:

  • No more data duplication from your Website to Grip
  • Increase top of funnel traffic to your Grip event platform
  • A holistic user experience for visitors on your website, event platform, and app 

iFrame Limitations: 

  • Filters on users' lists have a limit of 200 values. For example, a filter 'company' on a list of attendees will show 200 values, even if there are more companies in the event.


iFrame examples

Below is a straightforward example of the iFrame in the branded (red) colors of the event.


This is a more exciting one, the client has coded their own CSS into the iframe, customising/removing buttons and using a custom font in the iframe. 


If you would like to use the Grip iFrame on your website, please contact your Grip Delivery Manager for further details and instructions.



Q: Under the Navigation Items menu in the dashboard, what does "Private" mean under Iframe visibility?Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 16.16.36

  • A: "Private" indicates whether a navigation item will be visible within an iFrame if embedded on a website. By default, the event agenda will display in the iFrame when the event organizer embeds Grip's iFrame into their website. Navigation items like company or speaker lists are commonly included in iFrames.

    Please note that navigation items displaying personal event data, such as custom fields, personal schedules, networking recommendations, and personalized URLs, cannot be made visible in the iFrame for privacy reasons.

    Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 16.37.16

    To use the iFrame, ask your Delivery Manager or Client Success Manager to provide the HTML code. Once the code is added, all included data and any updates made to the Navigation Items will automatically reflect.