What email templates are available in Grip Manage?

This article provides an overview of the different emails that are being sent from Grip Manage and when they are sent.

Below is the list of emails currently being sent from Grip Manage.

Email Name Description When is the email send
Order Confirmation This is Attendee related email, that is used to confirm the purchase of the ticket, and we send all general information, attendees next steps, group information if the it was a group purchase, refunding policies, faq, etc. This email sending is automatic on ticket purchase.
Ticket is active This is Attendee related email, that is used to share with the attendee that the ticket is active and usable, we share information so the attendee can view/update their registration. This email sending is automatic after the confirmation of the ticket.
Portal access email This is Sponsor related email, that is used to send details of authentication for the sponsors, we also include usually the person who is in charge or support of sponsor here. There’s an automatic trigger from EMS which is under the contact row of the sponsor when you toggle “Portal Access” on the table, and it can also be manually trigger from EMS > Companies > Click on a Sponsor > Contacts > Actions > Email > Click on Welcome Email and click send, for this one it’s required that the person has portal access.
Welcome Email This is Sponsor related email, that is used to greet the sponsor, and generally details on sponsor portal and event details. Don’t have automatic trigger, have to send from EMS > Companies > Click on a Sponsor > Contacts > Actions > Email > Click on Welcome Email and click send.
Beacon connection notification email This is Attendee related email, that is used to notify both of the connected attendees when a beacon connection happened. Automatically send when beacon-connection is created between two people, two emails are sent to the connected attendants respectively.
Pass selection register This is an Sponsor and Attendee related email, that is used as a “ticket is active” for when it’s coming from sponsor portal tasks for either speaker, client or staff. Automatically send when a Pass task is submitted with a new person from the sponsor portal > Pass Task > create person > Register All Draft/Unsaved Passes or use the Self Service Url
Reminder task notification Task notification reminder Manual configuration
Subevent application This is an Attendee and/or sponsor related email, it’s used to notify the user that we receieved their subevent application and share links to view/update their event and also to the whole list of events. This is automatically send when the user submit a new sub-event.
Subevent Submission This is an Attendee and/or sponsor related email, it’s used to notify the user that we receieved their subevent submission, let them know it needs approval and share links to view/update their sub-event. This is automatically send when the user submit a new sub-event, but it’s need approval.
Subevent application accepted Notification for an attendee that they have been accepted to a side event.  
Subevent attendee application rejected Notification for a participant when they have been rejected from attending a side event.  
Subevent rsvp Notification for a participant when they have RSVP'ed to a side event  
Task due batch reminder notification This is a Sponsor related email, that is send periodically with all the tasks pending and in progress. This is automatically send periodically but it has to be configure for the time periods.
Task due notification When a task is due that has not been completed in the company portal Upon task due date being reached
Task overdue notification When a task has passed its due date that has not been completed Upon a task being overdue.
Task submission notification When a task has been submitted