What is the 'Recommended for you' page?

In this article, we will explain what the 'Recommended for you' page in the networking platform is.


Our platform offers an advanced AI-powered matchmaking system that provides you recommendations of people, companies and products that our AI matchmaking engine finds most relevant to your networking needs. This matchmaking engine uses the information you have entered on your profile (click here to view our 'how to set up your profile article) when you first onboarded onto the networking platform (click here to view our 'onboarding steps' article). It also learns from your networking behaviour on the platform and refines the networking recommendations as you take actions. The more you use the platform, the more the platform learns about you and the more specific recommendations become, in turn giving you a better experience and to maximise your event success.

Now, the question is, what can I do with my recommendations? You have three options available on your recommended profiles:

1. Request a meeting - Schedule a meeting directly with a recommendation by clicking on 'Request a meeting'.



2. Show Interest - If you want to show interest in someone, click ‘Show Interest’. You can also add a personalised message of introduction giving you a higher chance of them returning interest in you. If they mutually show interest in you, a connection (or ‘handshake’) will be made and you will be able to instantly chat with them through the ‘My Connections’ page.

On web: 


On mobile: 

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Connection shown under the 'My Connections' page with a 'Chat' button now available.


3. Skip - If a recommendation does not meet your networking goals, you can click 'Skip'.



If you have any additional questions regarding your profile preferences and how to optimise them, please do not hesitate to email us at support@grip.events