What to expect following a Data Mapping call

After the Data Mapping call, the integrations team will initiate a single data pull into the Grip platform within approximately 10 business days (more complex integrations might require more time). It is important to review and ensure that the data is flowing correctly into Grip. During your review of the integration, it is your chance to request updates to ensure the data is being presented as you it need.

To facilitate a smooth integration process, please follow the checklist below:

  • Attendee, Company, and Product Data
    • Confirm that all ticket types are correctly coming through to the respective data types in Grip and that only the requested ticket types are in Grip
    • Verify that all fields, such as headline, job title, location, and custom profile fields, are mapped as desired. Pay attention to formatting, arrays, and HTML if applicable.
    • Double-check that relationships between representatives, companies, and products are accurately set up.
    • Validate that custom groups are categorizing profiles correctly and appearing as intended on the front end.
    • Review permissions to ensure that the appropriate access levels are set for each data type.
    • Confirm that no data is missing during the integration process, paying particular attention to CPFs
  • Meetings
    • Ensure that all meeting locations are available in Grip and correctly linked to the corresponding profiles.
    • If multiple meeting locations are to be linked to a profile, ensure the correct location is set as the default.
    • Verify that any additional meeting locations manually added are appearing correctly for the relevant data types.
  • Sessions
    • Check that all session fields, including name, description, stage, tags, and other relevant information, are mapped as desired. Pay attention to formatting, arrays, and HTML if applicable.
    • Ensure that the session start and end times are correct.
    • Ensure session attendance is accurate, if applicable.
    • Ensure that all session links are working correctly, if applicable.
    • Confirm that speakers are properly linked to their respective sessions, if applicable.
    • Check the permissions to make sure the correct attendee types can see the correct tracks
    • Review the tags and make sure no tags are missing.
    • Review private sessions and make sure the correct attendees can see these sessions and/or have them added to their schedule.

By following this checklist, you can review and validate the data integration process, ensuring that the information is accurately transferred into Grip.

To allow for sufficient time to address any potential issues, it is advisable to complete the review at least 5 working days before the event is launched. This timeline allows for any necessary modifications or troubleshooting before the event begins, ensuring a smooth experience for all participants.