How to Use the CSV Uploader

The CSV Uploader is a tool that easily allows you to add/update profiles in the Grip Dashboard. With this tool, you can create/update Users, Companies, and Items through a CSV file automatically generated by Grip. All you need to do is copy and paste the mandatory data into the appropriate fields and upload the file to the dashboard. You can find out more information about this tool below.

In this article, we will cover:

CSV Uploader Overview

The CSV Uploader was created because we wanted to find a way to make uploading information fast and easy. This feature allows you to take an automatically generated template, fill it out, and then upload it back into the platform to quickly add data. Its primary purpose is to add profiles to events, however you can also use it to update profiles.

To start using the CSV Uploader:

  1. Navigate to the Data section of the Grip Dashboard
  2. Select the Data Type you want to add or make changes to
  3. In the right-upper corner click on the button "Create [Data Type Name] profiles"
  4. From the drop-down menu pick “Upload via CSV template”                                              


*You can also use the “Generate CSV file” functionality to export the data for the data type and use that data to fill out a template from the CSV uploader for mass changes. However, be cautious when updating many profiles simultaneously, as changes may be visible in other events. See the upload methods below for more details.


How to Download the CSV Template

Once you are on the CSV Uploader page, the first thing you need to decide upon is the upload method. This will determine not only the format of the template, but it will also make a difference to how the new records are processed.

Note that if you’ve already downloaded a template, you can skip to the upload step, but you should still choose the upload method first, as it will make a difference during the upload.

    Things to consider

    There are three upload options available, and the key distinction lies in how existing profiles are managed when a record with the same Registration ID or email is identified during the upload process.

    Here are some important points to consider regarding the upload options available:

    • Unique Email Addresses: Each profile must have a unique email address. This email is used to check for existing records to prevent duplicates.
    • Unique Registration IDs: Registration IDs must be unique across the entire application. Avoid using special characters like "<>#@()!, etc., and spaces.

    • Multiple Events: You can have multiple events within the same Grip application. Profiles may already be added to some events and not others.

    final_6180141f8e42e30036be2ef0_206174Upload Methods

    1. Create New Profiles with Only Registration Details:

      • Suitable for adding existing profiles to the current event without modifying their data or for adding new but mostly empty profiles.
      • System generates a CSV file with essential fields: Registration ID, Email, First Name.
      • Ignores other fields within the current event data type.
      • Skips new record if a profile with the same email exists in the current event.
    2. Create New Profiles and Overwrite Existing Profiles:

      • Recommended for adding profiles to the current event with up-to-date data.
      • Generates a CSV file with default and enabled Custom Profile Fields.
      • Ideal for creating brand-new profiles.
      • Adds a record with the same email within the application but not the current event, overwriting its profile data.
      • Changes to default profile fields affect all events where the profile is part of.
      • Skips new record if a profile with the same email exists in the current event.
    3. Create New Profiles and Update Existing Profiles:

      • Use for updating profiles in the current event or a mass update.
      • Generates a CSV file similar to the previous option.
      • Allows modification of profiles already added to the current event.
      • Overwrites existing information in profiles with the same email address.

    How to Upload the CSV Template

    Once you have downloaded and filled out a template to add and/or update profile data, you can begin uploading the CSV template back into the Grip Platform.

    1. Download and Fill Out the Template:

      • Once you've downloaded and completed the template for adding or updating profile data, proceed to upload it back into the Grip Platform.
    2. Continue to Upload:

      • Click on the “Continue to upload” button to initiate the process.final_6180141f8e42e30036be2ef0_785753
    3. Fill Out Informational Drop-downs:

      • On the next page, find informational drop-downs to assist in completing template columns.
      • Add details such as Group IDs, Session IDs, and Custom profile field values to the respective columns in the CSV template.
    4. Select File and Upload:

      • When ready to upload, click the "Select file" button and choose the appropriate file from your computer.final_6180141f8e42e30036be2ef0_632153
    5. Initiate Upload:

      • After selecting the file, press the “Upload profiles” button.
      • Monitor the upload status pop-up; once it reaches 100%, you will be redirected.Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 11.47.08
    6. Review Upload Results:

      • On the redirected page, view profiles added/updated successfully and those that failed.
      • If needed, click the "x" icon to undo the file selection or change the upload method.
    7. Handle Failed Profiles:

      • In case of failed profiles, download a report providing reasons for failure.
      • Reasons may include missing fields or duplicate records.

    Special Fields

    There are a number of special fields that can be used to perform certain functions while profiles are imported or updated. Note that the available fields will depend on the type of data you’re trying to upload. Here's a rundown of the fields, what they do, and how they can be used.

    Add Meeting Locations (by name)

    Available for: Participants, Companies

    This field is used for assigning Meeting Locations to profiles - the most common use cases being assigning Company profiles to their booths within an expo or connecting a Participant profile to a Meeting Location for MustMeet events.

    This is a freeform text field, into which you need to add the name of the meeting location(s) you'd like to create or assign. 

    If a meeting location exists already with the same name, the profile will be added to it. If no meeting location exists with that name, one will be created, and will have the event's Default Meeting Settings applied (in the dashboard under Networking > Meetings > Meeting Locations > Default Location Settings).

    You can also write a comma-separated list of location names if there is more than one - e.g. “Booth 1, Booth 2”.

    Add to Group (by ID)

    Available for: Participants, Companies, Items

    This field adds the incoming profile to one or more Custom Groups which is essential for MustMeet or Hybrid events. Each Custom Group created in Grip has an ID which is what needs to be imported in this field.

    A common mistake is to add the group’s name into this field, make sure you use the ID. You can check the upload page for a list of Group IDs to use.

    You can also write a comma-separated list of Group IDs if there is more than one - e.g. “1234, 0987”.

    Add to Session as Speaker

    Available for: Participants

    Adding Session Registration IDs to this field will mean that the incoming profile is added to that Session as a Speaker. Custom contributor roles are not supported, but of course profiles can be switched between roles later via the dashboard.

    Session Registration IDs can be created externally when sessions are imported, or automatically if a Session is created in Grip. You can find them in the dashboard when looking at a session - not to be confused with the Session ID, which is not used in this way.

    You can add multiple sessions by entering a comma-separated list of Session Registration IDs.

    Add to Session as Attendee

    Available for: Participants

    Similar to the above, adding Session Registration IDs to this field will mean that an incoming profile is added to that Session as an Attendee. This is the same action as a participant adding a Session to their Schedule, so in effect, this is a way to pre-assign sessions.

    You can add multiple sessions by entering a comma-separated list of Session Registration IDs.

    Add to Session as Sponsor

    Available for: Participants, Companies, Items

    Again, as above, this field adds the incoming profile as a Headline Sponsor to Sessions. You can add one or more Session Registration IDs separated by commas, but bear in mind that a Session can only have one Headline Sponsor.

    Monetization Plan ID

    Available for: Companies

    This field is used to pre-assign a Monetization plan based on its ID. This means that when the Team is created for this Company profile, the Team will be automatically assigned a particular Monetization plan, matching the ID in this field. See our Monetization article for more details about plans.

    Monetization plan IDs can be found in the dashboard on the Monetization page, next to each plan. You can only assign a single ID for this field - e.g. "231".


    How can I upload multiple values to a single multiple choice field?

    You can separate them using a comma and space together - just make sure they're all in the same cell in the spreadsheet, under the single column for the field.

    For example "Shoes, Socks, Hats" within one cell should create three separate values when uploaded.

    The dashboard is telling me I haven't filled in Email/Reg ID/Name, but I have!

    This is because your template is not up to date, and may be missing the latest data. The best option is to download a fresh template from the dashboard.

    If you've already done that, then your browser will have 'cached' the old template, so clear your browser's cache before downloading a new template. You'll know that it's correct if you see asterisks (*) next to the Email/Reg ID/Name columns.

    You can also try adding the asterisks to the downloaded template yourself, manually.

    Is it possible to create Meeting Locations or Booths using a CSV upload?

    Yes! You can use a CSV upload to create and/or assign new or existing Meeting Locations to a profile. Read more about it here.