Meetings and Connections Exports

How to export leads using the Grip platform

Grip provides you with the ability to export details of your meetings and connections, either as a CSV or XLSX file (For more information on file formats, check the article here). If you are representing a Company and are part of a Team, please see how to export meetings and contacts here.

In this article, we outline what data is available within the available exports, as well as how to access them (Note: if you cannot see either export as an option, or you cannot see the Export section of the platform at all, the event organizer has disabled this functionality within the current event. You should look to contact them if you require this data).

In this article, we'll cover:



Understanding the meetings export

The Meetings Export allows anyone to get a list of all of their confirmed meetings.
The meeting export can also be used to populate your CRM system. Each line corresponds to a single participant in a meeting. When there are multiple participants in a single meeting, you can compare the Meeting ID (along with other fields) to see which participants were in each meeting.

The standard fields included in the export are:

  • Meeting ID
  • Event Name
  • Date
  • Time
  • Location
  • Recipient Name and basic details
  • Recipient’s acceptance status (for that meeting)
  • Meeting’s Personal Message
  • Decline Meeting Message (if the recipient declined)
  • Meeting Type (regular, multiuser, instant or speed networking)
  • Meeting Arrangement (‘Free Flow’ or pre-scheduled MustMeet meeting)
  • Your Meeting Feedback
  • Your Extended Feedback

    *In addition to these standard fields, there may be event-specific profile fields associated with the individuals in the export.


  • Regular Meeting - a normal one-to-one meeting between two attendees, created by meeting request sent from one to another.
  • Multiuser Meeting - a group meeting between multiple participants, created by meeting request sent from one to many. Participants can also be added to a meeting after creation, in some cases converting from a regular meeting to a multiuser meeting.
  • Instant Meeting - a Virtual meeting created on-demand with a Connection that’s online, by ‘calling’ them.
  • Speed Networking - a single meeting from a Speed Networking session, usually a dedicated Session in the event agenda. See this article for more information.
  • MustMeet/Pre-Scheduled Meeting - A meeting created as part of the automatic meeting generation process in MustMeet events.
  • Free Flow Meeting - another term for a regular meeting. This is used within MustMeet events in order to differentiate from the pre-scheduled meetings created by Grip’s AI.


How to generate the Meetings Export

1. Once logged in, click on your profile image, on the top right of the login page.



2. On the left-hand side navigation bar click Export

3. Under the Meetings Export section, click on Export, then choose 'Export xlsx' or 'Export csv' to generate the file depending on which version of the file you would like

4. Click the 'Download' button once the file is ready


5. Once downloaded, the file can be viewed.



Understanding the Connections Export

The Connections Export allows anyone to get a list of all of their Connections in the current event.

A Connection is someone with which you’ve taken one or more of the following actions:

  • Arranged a meeting
  • Scanned their badge or allowed them to scan your badge
  • Shown mutual interest

Note that Connections can be removed, either by you or the other party. If a connection has been removed, it will not display on yours or the other party’s Connections Export.
The standard fields included in the export are:

  • Event Name
  • Meeting Held (whether you’ve had at least one meeting)
  • Badge Scan Made (by you on them)
  • Badge Scan Received (by them on you)
  • MustMeet Connection (if you connected via a MustMeet meeting)
  • Connection Name and basic details
  • Email (if the Connection has permitted Contact Detail Sharing)
  • Phone Number (if the Connection has permitted Contact Detail Sharing)
  • Date Connection Created
  • Connection’s Last Login Date
  • *In addition to these standard fields, there may be event-specific profile fields associated with the individuals in the export.


How to generate the Connections Export

1. Once logged in, click on your profile image, on the top right of the login page.



2. On the left-hand side navigation bar click Export


3. Under the Connections Export section, click on Export, then choose 'Export xlsx' or 'Export csv' to generate the file depending on which version of the file you would like


4. Click the 'Download' button once the file is ready


5. Once downloaded, the file can be viewed



Where is the contact information for a recipient or connection?

In order to respect everyone's privacy as well as remain GDPR compliant we do not automatically share contact information - it is up to the event organiser and the individual to decide whether personal data like Email or Phone Number is shared. For more information about contact sharing see this article.


How can I export all of my meetings into my personal calendar?

When a meeting request occurs you will receive an email notification about the meeting, from there you can add the meeting to your calendar. Alternatively you can use the Calendar Sync functionality to make sure you don’t miss any meetings.


I don’t remember connecting with this person, yet they are in my Connections

Connections are maintained between events. If you connected with someone in a previous event, and you’re both attending the current event, they will appear in your Connections list.


I scanned someone’s badge, but I don’t see them in my Connection Export

It is possible to remove a Connection once made. If they have removed the connection between you after the scan was made, they will not appear on your export.


I can’t see the Export section, or one of the export options

The organizer of the current event has chosen to disable either or both of the exports. You should contact the event organizer if you feel this is incorrect.