Smart Scheduling Check List Stage by Stage

Initial Phase

Closed Phase

Live Networking Phase


Initial Phase

Stage 1: Preference selection and recommendations unavailable. Users can edit their own profile.

Before opening the Platform to Phase 1-Stage 1, we strongly advise that you go through the check list below and ensure that the data and platform is clean for the Smart Scheduling experience and meetings. Please note that these check lists are only for the HB component. You have to carry on the rest of the checking as you usually do for any of your events. 

  • Ensure that the Group permissions are correct
  • Ensure that users are within the right groups.
    • You can go to the data types and filter on groups Or click on every group and compare the numbers.
  • Ensure that “group_type” is added to the Group permission
  • Ensure that the meeting time-slots are added.
    • Users will need this when they Or the admin edit the availabilities.
  • Ensure that only the MustMeet groups are added to “Pre-Event Configuration” section.

Stage 2: Preference selection and recommendations available.

Before opening the Platform to Phase 1-Stage 2, we strongly advise to double check the data against the list below: 

  • Make sure that MustMeet users belong to the right HB groups
    • Double check the Group numbers
    • Use filters to check this 
    • Move the test users to a none HB type/groups
  • Double check the Group permissions
  • Make sure sharer relationships are correct
    • Randomly check a couple of users to ensure that the relationship is set up correctly
  • Make sure that the MustMeet users have the right number of "Must Meet, Meet, No Thanks" as per your agreement with the client 

Closed Phase

Before opening the Platform to Closed Phase Stage 3, we strongly advise to double check the data against the list below: 

Stage 3: Meetings are currently being scheduled

  • How many active MustMeet users in any any type you have 
    • Activate the inactivated ones if applicable
  • Make sure that the availabilities are set as per your agreement with the client 
    • Block the availabilities if applicable
  • Double check the pre-scheduled meeting time-slots and breaks
    • Make sure you don't have any free flow time-slots
  • Make sure that the locations are set up correctly
    • Every supplier representative or attendee should have a unique location unless they are sharers (Classic Smart scheduling Platform)
    • For any any2any platform, make sure the locations are public configured by the Integration team
    • Make sure that your sharers, share one location
  • Make sure that Exclusive and Non-exclusive meeting metadata is added to the types where applicable followed by the exhibitor ID 
  • Make sure that people are in the right groups. 

Stage 4: Meetings have been scheduled provisionally

Before opening the Platform to Closed Phase Stage 4, we strongly advise to double check the data against the list below: 

  • Make sure MustMeet configuration is set on the right phase 
  • On the Grip dashboard, get a CSV file of the generated meetings before you hand over the platform to the client. If the client is doing this, please advise them to keep a record of the meetings in the Grip dashboard. This report will always help you for troubleshoot and keeping a track of changes. 

Stage 5: Meetings have been scheduled and finalised

Before opening the Platform to Closed Phase Stage 5, we strongly advise to double check the data against the list below: 

  • Make sure MustMeet configuration is set on the right phase 

Live Networking Phase

Before opening the Platform to the Live Networking Phase, we strongly advise to double check the data against the list below: 

  • Make sure MustMeet configuration is set on the right phase 
  • Add free flow time-slots if applicable
  • Change the data type, navigation and homepage permissions where applicable 

For internal tutorials please refer to the notion page here