What is the section "Recommended for you"?

In this article, we will explain what the "Recommended for you" section of your networking platform is.

Our Networking platform offers a matchmaking system that provides you recommendations of people our matchmaking engine finds relevant to your networking needs. 

Our matchmaking engine, uses the information you have entered on your profile [how to set up your profile here] when you first connected to the networking platform, it also learns from your networking behaviour on the platform and refines the networking recommendations as you go. So basically the more you use it the more the recommendations become targeted.

Now the question is what do I do with my recommendations? Well you have three options available on your recommendations profiles:

1. MEET - Schedule a meeting directly with this recommendation by clicking on it. [how to request a meeting here]

Grip1-Nov-06-2023-11-13-41-9111-AM2. INTEREST - Show interest in this recommendation, if they decide to interest you back a connection and a chat between you and them will be available in the section "My Connections"


3. SKIP - If a recommendation does not meet your networking goals simply "Skip Them"


If you have any additional questions about regarding your profile preferences and how to optimise it please do not hesitate to email us at support@grip.events.